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Kethu Mbrapa > Daja POLIC

Conversation Between Daja POLIC and Dali!Keq!ch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Daja POLIC
    01-03-12 08:25
    Daja POLIC
    Mos e Zgjuar Enderr? nje dit u futa ne e-mail ,, kurr pe shoh DaliKeq, me paska ftuar :-)
  2. Dali!Keq!ch
    24-12-11 02:42
    Pershendetje DAJA POLIC, ju uroj barim e fillim Viti te mire e te mbar, ty e mbar gjirin tuaj familiar, si dhe gjithe shoqerise tuaj mrenda e jasht dardanise.
    Me shume Respekte dali..2005

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