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Murgesha 23-02-04 09:38

Tekste kėngėsh!
Rruges isha tuj kalu. (Flora Kurti)

Rruges isha tuj kalu
ne ate djal une jam taku
Sa her une qe e takoj
me fjale dua ti tregoj

O mor djale o djale i ri
se me ty kam ra ndashni
A e din se sa te dua?
veq per ty jam tuj mendu

O mor djale o djale i ri
Se ne ty kam ra ndashni
A e din se te dashuroj?
ket kange ty po ta kendoj

Cdo her prane tij kur kaloj
me buzeqeshje e shikoj
Por nuk di si ti tregoj
se aq shume e dashuroj

O mor djal ty du me tthane
se ne zemer sun e mbaj
du ta shpreh nje dashuri
qe e mbajta kohe per ty

O mor djale o djale i ri
Se ne ty kam ra ndashni
A e din se te dashuroj
Ket kange ty po ta kendoj

O mor djale o djale i ri
Se ne ty kam ra ndashni
A e din se te dashuroj?
Ket kange ty po ta kendoj

Hajde sbashku te kendojme
Zemrat tona ti bashkojme
A e di se tdashuroj?
Kete kange ty po ta kendoj

lazdrani 24-02-04 10:02


Sonte gjithqka ndahet n gjysme
perveq dhimbjes
Sonte asgje se eshte e lehte perveq
Sonte kujt doren ia mbane,kujt ne vesh
i flet
Puthja jote neser kend e pret e kend
me vone e vret.

Nese emrin tend cdo nate e thrras e
per ty flas s do te thote se ty te du
Nese netet pa ty vijn e shkojne
do t mundem une pa ty kur ti
mundesh pa mua

Sot kujtimet kujtimet fund nuk kane as sdu
ti harroje
Ndoshta neser kot do te qan,ndoshta
veq enderroj
Se fshetesi ishe per mua kete
une tash e di.
Do te provoj pa ty une me jetu
Do te lutem ne vetmi.........................Marigona

Giovanni 24-02-04 15:47

E jetuam erresiren
Ndon se enderrr kishim driten
merituam ne te miren
qe prej vitesh e pritem
nje shkendi na flakroj
nga duart tona ran zingjiret
nje ngrohtesi na shejteroj
se zoti i don te miret.
Mos i leni dritat fikur
edhe nata le te ndizet
se nje jete nje jetź
kam pritur te ju shof te buzqeshur

K-man 25-02-04 06:25

Beso nė diell (ODA)

Kur shtėngata mbulon qytetin tonė
Mos u frikėso natėn ti
Beso n'mua se unė besoj n'ty
Shiqo rrufenė drejt nė sy

Pas ēdo shiu, dielli do tė nxenė
Unė dhe ti tė lirė do t'shiqojmė
Dhe e dimė se nuk ėshtė, nuk ėshtė tmerr
Nuk ėshtė tmerr, por ėshtė shtrėngatė

Mė beso se nuk je vetėm
Mė beso tė lutem ti
Mė beso se do t'shrij jetėn
Dhe nuk do tė jem larg nga ti

Beso nė diell,...

Kur shiu i ftohtė fytyrėn ta mbulon
Vazhdo drejt ti, rrugė mos ndėrro
Ngrite kokėn dhe shiqo lart
Se nuk ėshtė tmerr, por ėshtė shtrėngatė

Murgesha 25-02-04 10:04


Sabri Fejzullahu :lol:

Shume vjet kaluan, qe s'ishim pare
Si ti harroje keto vrragė mbi ty
Me vje per te klithur e per te qare
Shume me mire te mos kisha sy

Mbi floke te kishte reshur bore
Rrudhat te loznin neper fytyre
Ku jane ata sy, ku ajo dore
Pse zerin, te paska tjeter ngjyre

Ti ke qene simbol i bukurise
Krijuar nga dore hyjnore
Ndaj i besoja amshueshmerise
Dhe te till te kujtoja prore

Mbi floke te kishte reshur bore
Rrudhat te loznin neper fytyre
Ku jane ata sy, ku ajo dore
Pse zerin, te paska tjeter ngjyre

Kohe e eger, kohe tinzare
Gjurme qe paska lene mbi ty
Shume me mire te mos ishim takuar fare
Shume me mire te mos kisha sy

Kohe e eger, kohe tinzare
Gjurme qe paska lene mbi ty
Shume me mire te mos ishim takuar fare
Shume me mire te mos kisha sy
Shume me mire te mos kisha sy
Shume me mire te mos kisha sy

Murgesha 25-02-04 10:14


Sabri Fejzullahu

E jetuam errėsirėn
Ndonėse ėndėrr kishim dritėn
Merituam ne tė mirėn
Qė prej kohėsh e pritėm

Njė shkėndi na flakėroj
Nga duart tona ranė zingjirėt
Njė ngrohtėsi na shejtėroi
Se zoti i don tė mirėt

Mos i leni dritat fikur
Edhe nata le tė ndizet
Sepse stinėt e mėrzisė kanė ikur
E tė lumturisė po nisen
Mos i leni dritat fikur
S'dua t'ju dėgjoj tė heshtur
Se njė jetė, njė jetė ju kam pritur
T'ju shikoj tė buzėqeshur!

E jetuam errėsirėn
Ndonėse ėndėrr kishim dritėn
Merituam ne tė mirėn
Qė prej kohėsh e pritėm

Njė shkėndi na flakėroj
Nga duart tona ranė zingjirėt
Njė ngrohtėsi na shejtėroi
Se zoti i don tė mirėt

Mos i leni dritat fikur
Edhe nata le tė ndizet
Sepse stinėt e mėrzisė kanė ikur
E tė lumturisė po nisen
Mos i leni dritat fikur
S'dua t'ju dėgjoj tė heshtur
Se njė jetė, njė jetė ju kam pritur
T'ju shikoj tė buzėqeshur!

Mos i leni dritat fikur
Edhe nata le tė ndizet
Sepse stinėt e mėrzisė kanė ikur
E tė lumturisė po nisen
Mos i leni dritat fikur
Edhe nata le tė ndizet
Sepse stinėt e mėrzisė kanė ikur
E tė lumturisė po nisen
Mos i leni dritat fikur
S'dua t'ju dėgjoj tė heshtur
Se njė jetė, njė jetė ju kam pritur
T'ju shikoj tė buzėqeshur!

lazdrani 25-02-04 11:00

Do te vi ne mengjes

Do te vije nje nate
ne dritaren tende
te te veshtroje
kur ti je ne enderr
do te vije atehere
kur te jeshe ne gjume
te shikoje se si fle
se te dua shume

Yllin nga qielli do ta zbrese
dhe ty do ta fal
e te shikoje se si buzqeshe
dhe henes ate drite tja marre

Do te vije ne agim
nga gjume te te zgjoje
te marre ne perqafim
dhe kur nuk do te leshoje
Do te vije ne mengjese
te ta sjelle ty dashurin
te shikoje se si buzeqeshe
ta shijoje bukurin :wink: Marigona

Donika Morina 25-02-04 13:09

Oooo pik ne zemer veq ti me ke mbet 1,her mke shiku 2,her me ke djeg.
Sa her ti nshoj syt me shikķm me mbyt kur ma thu ni fjal perseri me ngjall kur ma thu ni fjal perseri me ngjall.
Oooo paska zbrit hana n“ballin tand ule at shikim se vdiqa ne kamb,ule at shikim se vdiqka ne kamb.
Sa her mi nshon syt me shikim me mbyt kur ma thu ni fjal,perseri me ngjall,kur ma thu ni fjal perseri me ngjall.

Donika Morina 25-02-04 13:17

Aferdita Demaku.
Dua ti them fjalet qe kurr nuk ti thash, Dua qe ti jap ato qe sti dhash, Dua qe te ndjej thell ne gjoksin tim por si duket sonte nuk po kam guxim. Nuk do te leshoj se i imi je si nuk e vren si nuk po e sheh si nuk e kupton se kjo zemer qan qe kur spo te shoh dhe afer ste kam.

sexybrikenda 25-02-04 13:46

lazdrani une jam akullore ti je majlte kur te perzihem bahemi cokollat.kiss only you :P

lazdrani 26-02-04 15:05

:roll: :roll: :roll: jo more ndoshta reqel :wink:

lazdrani 01-03-04 09:50

Zeshkanja ime

Moje zeshkanja ime
shikim yt me djeg si
Pran lumit qendrojm te dy
ne zemer kam nje mall
Kujtoje nje zemer djali
qe dashuron dashuron
Kujtoje nje dashuri t`sinqert
qe te adhuron adhuron.
Seq me dogje mallin
per ata sy ty te zi
Xhevahir guri te pa shtjerrur
Ti me fale gjalleri
Kujtoje nje zemer djali
Qe t`dashuron dashuron
Kujtoje nje dashuri t`sinqert
Qe t` adhuron adhuron...............TRIX

lazdrani 01-03-04 10:11

Ti do te martohesh

Krejt cka kam do ti jepja
kurre ne jete ty mos t`kisha pa
S`di vella kujt ne kete bote
kaq e re gjynahet me i la
Kishim lind ne kohen
kur Zoti njerzve fat nuk i ka nda
Do te vjen dita qielli
do t`ua kthen atyre qe na ndan
Se ti do te martohesh
une do te martohem ne dore me s`do
te mbaj
Me ty kur takohem shpejt do te largohem
E sikur femiju do te qaj.
Tash e ke veshtire
por ti je mashkull mua me harron
E une jame mallkuar sepse
femra vetem nje here dashuron
Edhe mua fjala ne fyt me prehet
kur te them se kshtu nuk ban
Mbaje mend pas teje n`dashuri
kurr me s`ka me ra
Se ti do te martohesh
une do t`martohem ne dore me sdo
te mbaj.
Me ty kur takohem shpejt do te largohem
E sikur femiju do te qaj
Se ti do te martohesh ,une do t`martohem
ne dasem nuk do t`vij
Me ty kur te takohem shpejt do te
edo te qaj si femije
O sa me dhemb kur thua
se ende me done
Me mire e dij se kjo jete
me kurr s`na bashkon.................Adelina Ismaili :wink:

lazdrani 01-03-04 10:30

Please Forgive Me

It still feels like our
first night together
Feels like the first kiss
and it`s gettin better baby
No one can better this
I`m still
holdin on and you`re still the one
The first time our eyes met
it`s the same feelin`i get
Only feels much
stronger-i wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on..
So if your`re feelin` lonely...
don`t.You`re the only one
I`d ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than
i should.....
Please forgive me - i know not

lazdrani 01-03-04 11:13

Please forgive me-i know not what i do
Please forgive me -i can`t stop lovin you
don`t deny me
this pain i`m going through
Please forgive me-if i need ya like i do
Please believe me -every word i say is true
Please forgive me-i can`t stop lovin` you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
we`re still gettin closer baby
Can`t get close enough
I`still holdin`on-you` re still number one
I remember the smell of your skin
I remember evrything
I remember all your moves-i remember you
I remember the nights -ya know i sill do
So if you` re feeling lonely...don`t
You`re the only one i`d ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if i love ya a littel more than i should
Please forigive me-i know not what i do
Please forgive me-i cant stop lovin you
Don`t deny me-this pain i`m going through
Please forgive me-if i need ya like i do
Please believe me -evry word i say is true
Please forgive me -i can`t stop lovin you
One thing i`m sure of-is the way we make love
And the one thing i depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath i`m prayin
That`s why i`m sayin`...
Please forgive me -i know not what i do
Please forgive me -i cant stop lovin`you
Don`t deny me-this pain i`m going through
Please forgive me -if i need ya like i do
Never leave me -i don`t know what i`d do
Please forgive me-i can`t stop lovin you.............Bryan Adams

Gentiana 01-03-04 11:21

Lazdran qka me pelqen kjo keng e Bryan Adams!! :o :o :o

Barbaroza 01-03-04 11:55

Edhe mua shume :) :wink:

lazdrani 01-03-04 14:30

It must have been love

Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely,there`s air of
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now,I close my eyes and dream away
It must have been love,but
It must have been good,but I lost it somehow
It must have been love,but It`s over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Make believing,were together
That I`m sheltered by hour heart
But in and outside I`ve turned to water
Like a teardrop in you r palm
And it`s a hard winter`s day,I dream away
It must have been love,but it`s over now
It was all I wanted ,now I`m living without
It must have been love but it`s over now
I`ts where the water flows,its where the wind blows
It must have been love but it s over now
It must have been good,but I lost it somehow
It must have been love,but it s over now
From the moment we touched till han run out
Yeah it must have been love....................................Roxette :cry: :cry: :cry:

anna 02-03-04 09:32


Teksti: Dr. Flori
Muzika: Florjan Mumajesi
Arrangement: Adrian Hila

Zgjohem ne mengjes me afshin tend
Gjysma vetes time me mungon
Sdua ta pranoj por e pranoj,
Nuk jam , nuk je, nuk ekzistojme
Ndjej trupin te me ftohet kete nate
Ku jane prekjet e tua te me ngrohin prap
Tani nuk jam, nuk jemi ne, sa ftohte kete nate, sa ftohte kete nate

Ne cdo hap qe hedh, ne mendjen time je ti
Te dua ty, te harroj por prap je ti
Sdua ta pranoj veten, veten time nuk e di
Dhe kur cdo gje e vogel ndodh, ne cdo veprim je ti
U ndodha nje moment midis meje dhe teje
Nuk e di ne me doje, a me urreje
Se je ti ne kto vargje, ne kto nota
Se je ti, pa ty ska kuptim, ste harrova
Cdo moment qe marr fryme, je ti
Cdo moment qe jetoj, je vetem ti
Je gjithcka cfare kam, plotesimi i shpirtit tim, ja cfar dua, sdua te humbas je vetem ti
Cdo moment qe marr fryme, je ti
Cdo moment qe jetoj, je vetem ti
Je gjithcka cfare kam, plotesimi i shpirtit tim, ja cfar dua, sdua te humbas je vetem ti

Refreni :
Dua te shoh dy syte e trembur,
Dua te puth buzen e cmendur
Dua te shoh, dua te puth ty si atehere
Dua te shoh dy syte e trembur,
Dua te puth buzen e cmendur
Dua te shoh, dua te puth ty si atehere

Vetem nje moment degjo, dua te shof, te njoh, dua te di, je ti qe komplikon?
He ti qe thua jo, je ti qe thua po dakort, por nuk mundem dakort te jem gjithmone
Je ti qe e ben jeten tim komplekse
Ndonjehere nuk me kupton, ndonjehere s’kupton as veten
Po prape te urrej, te dua ne nje kohe, kam kohe qe te njoh ( baby), dua te njoh
E cdo moment kur marr frym, cdo moment kur marr fryme
Cdo moment qe jetoj, cdo moment qe jetoj, je gjithcka cfare kam, plotesim i shpirtit tim, ja cfare dua, Sdua te humbas je vetem ti
E cdo moment kur marr frym, cdo moment kur marr fryme
Cdo moment qe jetoj, cdo moment qe jetoj, je gjithcka cfare kam, plotesim i shpirtit tim, ja cfare dua, Sdua te humbas je vetem ti

Refreni :

Dua te shoh dy syte e trembur,
Dua te puth buzen e cmendur
Dua te shoh, dua te puth ty si atehere
Dua te shoh dy syte e trembur,
Dua te puth buzen e cmendur
Dua te shoh, dua te puth ty si atehere

vetem per ju forumista anna :lol: :lol:

anna 02-03-04 09:33

Teksti: Dr. Flori
Muzika: Ardit Gjebrea
Arrangement: Shpetim Saraci

Tirona eshte pikenisja ku fillon mundesia
Aty ku kam te ardhmen, kam endrrat e mia
Aty ku ngjitur jane xhamia dhe kisha
Aty ku ndahen dhe pajtohen Nano dhe Berisha
Aty ku ty te jepet nje tjeter mundesi
Kam shok, kam lagje, kam rrug, kam shpi

Tirona cfare eshte?! Me i madhi paradoks
Ku robi ble te Gab-i me Rolex ne dore
Ku sllonet sydelfinat ne balte bejne parade
Ku krahas kjoskave te rrenuara, eshte nje super pallat
Aty ku lana qelbet, dyqanet parfum shesin
Ku ndjejme kenaqesine, presionin edhe stresin

Ku ka intelektual por ka edhe katunare
Ku lypsat e te papunet flasin me celular
Mundesi me njemije rruge eshte per ne Tirona
Ku bashke me zhgenjimet realizohen endrrat tona
Ku te gjithe ne themi : Tirona zemra jone, ti per ne , ti per ne je gjithmon Kampion
Kur te hyni ne Kombinat, jeni ne qytetin ton
Nje tabel shyqyr thot : ‘MIRESEERDHET NE TIRONE !!!’

Refreni :
Tirona, ne zemrat tona
Me jet e me sllona
E Cmendur, sido te jesh, ti je e jona
Tirona, ke endrrat tona,
Jeton oret e vona
E dehur ,sido te jesh ti je e jona

Edi Rama :
Kjo eshte Tirona jone, Tirona kontradiktes
E luftes, e paqes, e erresires dhe e drites
Mashtrimit te vertetes, shpifjes interesit,e qejfit dhe e stresit, ahengut dhe biznesit


Gjithcka mund te ndodhe, jetojm ne Tiron!!!
Ku njerezia ben plazh aty ku thahet liqeni
Ku provinciali thot : Jom prej Ali Demi!!!
Aty ku truk perdorin jo vetem grat por dhe pallatet
Ku : MJAFT thote rinia, PO BOLL MO SE NA PLASET!!!

Kafe muhabet si Turqit e lasht,
Nen kumbllat e kuqe moda ben sfilate
Se ska vetem afsh, por ka edhe ashash, qarkullim parash, emancipim grash
Shopping ke Rruga Durrsit, O burra nga Blloku
Aty ku gju per seks, Thithet edhe smogu
Ku qent dhe kazanet rreth ministrive i gjen
Aty ku ka Mret, ka dhe President



Tirona, ne zemrat tona
Me jet e me sllona
E Cmendur, sido te jesh, ti je e jona
Tirona, ke endrrat tona,
Jeton oret e vona
E dehur ,sido te jesh ti je e jona
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

anna 02-03-04 09:35

Wsf - hou cike

Ho ho cike
Luje luje cike
Sot eshte festa
Une ikam dy ftesa
Je dhe ti
Baby i bukur
Me te gjitha te verteta
Megjthese dua shume naten me ty ta kaloj
Te shikoj
Te veshtroj
Asnje fjale te them sguxoj
Se ti di te vesh ne faj
Vetem me nje shikim
Je ne qender te vemendjes
Je shpirti im
Qe te ka krijuar zoti nga endrrat e mia
Mendt e mia
Ty te kem nje nat nje mije net me te vazhdojn
Shpirti im shume te do
Trupi im te deshiron
Me shume me shton kureshtjen
Kur ftohte me refuzon
Me bisht te syrit me shikon
Prapa murit me largon
Eh,te dua shume
Po te pyes
A me do ti
Qe rimelin te ta heq
E buzkuqin vet ta fshi
Pastaj une e ti
Nate e gjate ne nje shtrat
Duke zbuluar njeri tjeterin
Tfshehtat tona pak na pak
Drita qetesine ta thyente
Deshiren nder ritme
Ho houuu cikeee
Hou cike cike
Luje nga nje cike
O luje belin cike nga nje cike x2
Se me pelqen eh
Menyra seksi ti kercen
Se me pelqen he menyra jote si defren eh
Se me pelqen he
Seksi ritmin ti e ndjen he x2
Hou hou cike
Luj luj cike
CIKE Cka i pelqen kesaj cike ?
Menyra VENGER njerzit i shikon
Tangat ekspozon
Floket e tu te gjate me eren ngaterrohen
1000 fantazi me ty flejn edhe zgjohen
ti e di sa do doja te kisha
i fshehte ne dhomen tende i padukshem te isha
hou kemisha
mbi gjunjet e brishta
dhe mbulesa jote e fundit
te kalonte neper gishta
oh kur me kalon afer sa shume me turbullon
me shkakton emocione
cdo hormon ma ngacmon
tundet beli yt
shume egstravagante
sillesh arrogante per te qene interesante
por ndryshe me shfaqesh
neteve te vona kur defrehesh
nga pasionet e ethshme
te shpirti im rrembehesh
psheretim oh
nga zjarri yt me dilte
ohooo cike cikeee

BlertaB 02-03-04 12:43

Titulli: Edhe pa ty u Kenaqa

Ike e me le duke lotu
Frike e mall ne mua mbeti
U mesova pa ty me jetu
Mbeta gjalle, asgje nuk me gjeti

Dielli py lind dhe perendon
Edhe pa ty jeta po vazhdon.

Krejt qka deshta e qka kam endrru
U mbulu ne harrese
U mesova pa ty me jetu
Edhe per mu paska shprese.

Edhe pa ty jeta po vazhdojka
Edhe pa ty po bojka, po bojka.

Gajle tjera tash mos paqa
Une edhe pa ty u kenaqa
Edhe lumturi mos paqa
Une edhe pa ty u kenaqa.

BlertaB 02-03-04 12:49

Autori: Gili
Titulli: Mire jam

Me dite te tera pas ndarjes me ty
Telefoni nuk kishte qasje.“
C“ka bera se di
Thone se kisha tentim vetevrasje.
U drodha nga shum te paverteta
U lodha me ty nga vehtja, u lodha nga jeta

Mir jam po adaptohem
E di asgje nuk mund te ndreqé
Mir jam dal e argetohem
E ne vehte une jam shum keq
Mir jam po zgjohem heret
E di asgje nuk mund te ndreq
Mir jam per te gjith te tjeret
Veq per vehte, per vehte une jam keq

Vetmia eshte e rénde
Nata ike ngadal
Dashuria me qmende
Kurr mé s“do te jem normal
E di se nuk do te mbaje per dore
Nuk vlejn mé barrerat as keshillat mjeksore

BlertaB 02-03-04 12:56

Autori: Gili
Titulli: Aktore e perkryer

Buzet e mija kan shijen e kripes
Se per ty kam qare me loté
Melankolia dhe ndjenja e frikes
Jane shoket me besnik ne boté
Musafiret dio te vijn
Dhembjen time s“do ta dine
Edhe sa dite jeta kan mbete
Dashuri edhe sa ore ne teatrin tim pa vizitore?

Jam mesuar te buteqeshe
Dhe fustan te bukur te veshe
Me grim te shkelqyer
Nese duhet do te vallzoj
Me ket kenge qe po e kendoj
Me zemer te thyer
Ne ket dram te dashurise
Me rolin e lumturise
Jam aktore e perkryer.

Nenshkrimi im eshte fjale ``e Lenduar““
Jeta veq durim e pritje
Nuk ka qmim kur drama te ket mbaruar
As lule, as duartrokitje.

Gentiana 11-03-04 15:23

Cetin. Zu spät

Sie liegt in meine Armen
Ich kann es nicht ertragen
Es war ihr allerletztes Wort
Ich liebe dich, dann ging sie fort

Es war unser erster streit
Ein stich in meinem Herz
dann war sie weg
Diesmal ging ich viel zu weit
Ohne sie dachte ich es würde gehen.

Doch blieb zu stur, den ich war enttäuscht
Unser Liebesschwur, ohhhhhhhh
doch ich brauche dich
denn ich brauche dich
denn ich liebe dich.

Sie liegt in meine Armen
Ich kann es nicht ertragen
Es war ihr allerletztes Wort
Ich liebe dich, dann ging sie fort
Dann ging sie fort

Wir wollten uns sehen
Darüber reden
Warum wir uns nicht verstehen
Nicht verstehen

Was müssten wir ändern
Wir wollten etwas finden
Damit wir uns wieder binden

Doch es würde zum streit
Wir waren nicht bereit
Du rastest aus
Und ranntest raus
Du schriest es ist entgültig aus aus

Du Stands einfach auf
Du liefst einfach los
Und ich sah alles mit
Und in deinem Raub
War ich allein schuld
Das du es nicht mehr sahst

Sie liegt in meine Armen
Ich kann es nicht ertragen
Es war ihr allerletztes Wort
Ich liebe dich, dann ging sie fort
Dann ging sie fort

Und Ich bete zum dem Herrn
Das er mich zu sich nimmt
Das ich bei dir bin
Damit wir wieder vereint sind

Sie liegt in meine Armen
Ich kann es nicht ertragen
Es war ihr allerletztes Wort
Ich liebe dich, dann ging sie fort

BlertaB 11-03-04 15:24

kuku Genta qikjo kang met kall a???
shum e mir asht vallah.

aferdita 16-03-04 18:09

kedon: Briteney Spears

Baby, can't you see I'm calling
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling
There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it
Can't calm down
Losin' my head
Spinnin' 'round and 'round
Do you feel me now?
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic?
It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from a devil's cup
Slowly, It's taking over me
Tonight Can't calm down
It's in the air and it's all around
Can you feel me now?
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic?
Intoxicated now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicated now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now

aferdita 16-03-04 18:10

titulli: Miss You

It's been too long and I'm lost without you
What am I gonna do
Said I been needin' you
I'm wantin' you
Wonderin' if you're the same
and who's been with you
Is you're heart still mine
I want to cry sometimes
I miss you

Verse 1:
Off to college
Yes you ran away
Straight from high school
You up and left me
We were close friends
Awesome lovers
Did everything for one another
Now you're gone
And I'm lost without you here now
But I know I gotta live and make it somehow

Come back to me
Can you hear me (callin')
Hear me (callin' for you)
For you

(repeat chorus)

Verse 2:
Now I'm sittin' here
Thinkin' 'bout you
And the days we used to share
It's drivin' me crazy
I don't know what to do
I'm just wonderin' if you still care
I don't want to let you know
That it's killin' me
I know you got another life
You got to concentrate

Come back to me
Can you hear me (callin')
Hear me (callin' for you)
For you

(repeat chorus 2x)

I can't think no more
Since you went away
I don't really feel like talkin'
No one here to love me
Baby do you understand me
I can't do a thing without you

(repeat chorus 3x)

aferdita 16-03-04 18:16

Try Again

Timbaland's Intro:
It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you left you,
without a dope beat to step to step to, step to, step to

Verse 1:
What would you do, to get to me?
What would say, to have your way?
Would you give up or try again,
If I hesitate to let you in?
Now would you be yourself, or play role?
Tell all the boys, or keep it low?
If I say no, would you turn away,
Or play me off or would you stay (oooohhh)...

If at first you don't succeed (first you don't succeed),
then dust yourself off and try again
You can dust if off and try again, try again
'Cause if at first you don't succeed (at first you
don't succeed) You can dust it off and try again, dust yourself off
and try again, try again

Verse 2:
I'm into you, you`re into me, but I can't let it go, so easily
Not 'till I see, where this could be,
could be eternally, or just week
You know our chemistry, is off the chain
It's perfect now, but will it change?
This ain't a yes, this ain't a no
Just do your thang, and we'll see how it goes

If at first you don't succeed (first you don't succeed),
then dust yourself off and try again You can dust if off and try again, try again
'Cause if at first you don't succeed (at first you don't succeed)
You can dust it off and try again, dust yourself off and try
again, try again

See you don't wanna throw it all away,
I might be shy on the first day, but what about the next day
(huh, huh, huh, huh)
See you don't wanna throw it all away,
I might be buggin' on the first day but what about the next day
(huh, huh, huh, huh)

If at first you don't succeed (first you don't succeed),
then dust yourself off and try again You can dust if off and try again,
try again 'Cause if at first you don't succeed (at first you don't succeed)
You can dust it off and try again, dust yourself off and try again, try again

Timbaland's Outro:
It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you left you,
without a dope beat to step to step to, step to, step to

aferdita 16-03-04 18:18


Ladies and gentlemen
It\\'s my pleasure to introduce to you
He\\'s a friend of mine

Yes, yes I am

And he goes by the name...

All the way
from Memphis, Tennessee
And he\\'s got somethin\\' special for y\\'all tonight
He\\'s gonna sing a song for y\\'all
About this girl

Come in right here?

Yea, come on

On that sunny day
Didn\\'t know I\\'d meet
Such a beautiful girl
Walking down the street
Seen those bright brown eyes
With tears coming down
She deserves a crown
But where is it now
Mamma listen

Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don\\'t have to
He doesn\\'t love ya, I can tell by his charm
But you could feel this real love
If you just lay in my...

Running fast in my mind
Girl won\\'t you slow it down
If we carry on this way
This thing might leave the ground
How would you like to fly?
Does summer queen you right?
But you still deserve a crown
Well hasn\\'t it been found?
Mamma listen

Senorita, I feel for you
(Feel for you)
You deal with things, that you don\\'t have to
(No, no)
He doesn\\'t love ya, I can tell by his charm
(He don\\'t love ya baby)
But you could feel this real love
(Feel it)
If you just lay in my...

Ah, ah, arms...
(Won\\'t you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms...
(Mama lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms...
(Baby won\\'t you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms...

When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can\\'t buy
And I know if you give us a try
I\\'ll work hard for you girl
And no longer will you ever have to cry

Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don\\'t have to
(Deal with things you don\\'t have to)
He doesn\\'t love ya, I can tell by his charm
(No, no)
But you could feel this real love
(Feel it)
If you just lay in my...

Ah, ah, arms...
Ah, ah, arms...
(My baby)
Ah, ah, arms...
(Oooh, yea)
Ah, ah, arms...

When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can\\'t buy
And I know if you give us a try
I\\'ll work hard for you girl
You won\\'t ever cry

Now listen
I wanna try some right now
See they don\\'t do this anymore
I\\'ma sing something
And I want the guys to sing with me
They go
\"It feels like something\\'s heating up, can I leave with you?\"
And then the ladies go
\"I don\\'t know what I\\'m thinking bout, really leaving with you\"

Guys sing
It feels like something\\'s heating up, can I leave with you?
And ladies
I don\\'t know what I\\'m thinking bout, really leaving with you
Feels good don\\'t it, come on
It feels like something\\'s heating up, can I leave with you?
Yea, ladies
I don\\'t know what I\\'m thinking bout, really leaving with you
Show the good to me

Sing it one more time
It feels like something\\'s heating up, can I leave with you?
I don\\'t know what I\\'m thinking bout, really leaving with you
Yea, yea..
It feels like something\\'s heating up, can I leave with you?
I don\\'t know what I\\'m thinking bout, really leaving with you

Gentlemen, good night
Ladies, good morning

That\\'s it

anna 24-03-04 15:34

michelle branch
Everywhere (American Pie 2 soundtrack)

Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that's drifting over me
And when I wake you're, you're never there
When I sleep you're, you're everywhere
You're everywhere
Just tell me how I got this far
Tell me why you're here and who you are
Cuz everytime I look you're never there
And everytime I sleep you're always there

Cuz you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone

I'm not alone

I recognize the way you make me feel
It's hard to think that you might not be real
I sense that now the water's getting deep
I try to wipe the pain away from me (away from me)

Cuz you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone

I'm not alone
I'm not alone

When I touch your hand
It's then I understand
The beauty lies within
It's now that we begin-and
You always like my way
There never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you soar

Cuz you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone

Cuz you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath it's you I breathe
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone

You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?

anna 24-03-04 15:35


J. Lo

Jenny from the block

Children grow and women producing
Men go working
Some go stealing
Everyone's got to make a living
J. Lo
We off the block this year
Went from a little to a lot this year
Everybody mad at the rocks that I wear
I know where I'm goin' and I know where I'm from
You hear LOX in your ear
Yea, we're at the airport out decline from the block
Where everybody air-forced-out
With a new white Tee, you fresh
Nothin' phony with us, make the money, get the mansion, bring the homies with us

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)

From In Living Color and movie scripts
To On the 6 to J. Lo to this headline clips
I stayed grounded as the amounts roll in
I'm real, I thought I told you
I really been on Oprah
That's just me
Nothin phony, don't hate on me
What you get is what you see

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)

I'm down to earth like this
Rockin this business
I've grown up so much
I'm in control and loving it
Rumors got me laughing, kid
Love my life and my public
Put God first
Then can't forget to stay real
To me it's like breathing

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)

It take hard work to cash checks
So don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, now assets
You get back what you put out
Even if you take the good route
Can't count the hood out
After a while, you know who to blink with
Just keep it real with the ones came in with
Best thing to do is stay low, LOX and J.Lo
Act like they don't, but they know

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks
that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)

anna 24-03-04 15:36

Madonna Die Another Day

I'm gonna wake up, yes and no
I'm gonna kiss some part of
I'm gonna keep this secret
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day

I guess I'll die another day
[Another day]
I guess I'll die another day
[Another day]
I guess I'll die another day
[Another day]
I guess I'll die another day

Sigmund Freud
Analyze this
Analyze this
Analyze this

I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego
I'm gonna close my body now

Uh, uh

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

For every sin, I'll have to pay
A time to work, a time to play
I think I'll find another way
It's not my time to go

I'm gonna avoid the cliche
I'm gonna suspend my senses
I'm gonna delay my pleasure
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

Uh, uh


I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

Another day

anna 24-03-04 15:37

Christina Aguilera

Ooh, I'm overdue
Give me some room
I'm comin' through
Paid my dues
I'm in the mood
Me and my girls gonna shake the room
DJ's spinnin' (show your hands)
Let's get dirty (that's my chant)
I need that (uh) to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off

It's explosive
Speakers are pumpin'
Still jumpin'
Six in the mornin'
Table dancin'
Glasses are crashin'
No questions
Time for some action

Temperature's up (can you feel it)
'Bout to erupt
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin' over my body
Dance and gettin' just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty
It's about time for my arrival

Ahh, heat is up
So ladies, fellas, drop your cups
Body's hot from front to back
Now move your ass - ha, I like that
Tight hip huggers (low fo' sho')
Shake a little somethin' (on the floor)
I need that (uh) to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off

Let's get open
Cause a commotion
We're still goin' eight in the mornin'
There's no stoppin'
We keep it poppin'
Hard rockin'
Everyone's talkin'

Give all you've got (give it to me)
Just hit the spot
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin' over my body
Dance and gettin' just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty
It's about time for my arrival

Here it comes
It's the one you've been waitin' on
Get up, get it up
Yo, that's what's up
Give it just what you want, to the maximum
Uh oh
Here we go

Here we go
That's when we take it to the parking lot
And I bet you somebody's gonna call the cops
Uh oh's

Here we go's

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin' over my body
Dance and gettin' just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty
It's about time for my arrival

anna 24-03-04 15:38

"The Doors - The severed garden "

Wow, I“m sick of doubt
Live in the light of certain South
Cruel buindings
The servants have the power
Dog-men & their mean women
pulling poor blankets over our sailors

I“m sick of dour faces
staring at me from the TV-tower

I want roses in my garden bower, dig?
Royal babies, rubies must now replace
aborted strangers in the mud
These mutants, blood-meal for the plant
that“s plowed

They are waiting to take us
into the severed garden
Do you know how pale&wanton thrillful
comes death on a strange hour?
Unannounced, unplanned for
Like a scaring over-friendly guest
you“ve brought to bed
Death makes angels of us all
and gives us wings
where we had shoulders
smooth as raven“s claws

No more money,
no more fancy dress
This other kingdom seems
by far the best
until it“s other jaw reveals incest
& loose obedience to a vegetable-law

I will not go

Prefer a feast of friends
To the Giant family

anna 24-03-04 15:40

Natalie Imbruglia!

Left of the Middle

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm
He came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldn't be that man I adored
You don't seem to know
Seem to care what your heart is for
But I don't know him anymore
There's nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

So I guess the fortune teller's right
Should have seen just what was there
And not some holy light
Which crawled beneath my veins
And now I don't care
I had no luck
I don't miss it all that much
There's just so many things
That I can touch I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

There's nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's right I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I'm ashamed
Bound and broken on the floor
You're a little late
I'm already torn

anna 24-03-04 15:41

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare

The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak

But if you feel like I feel
Then let me know that it's real

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

I love you baby and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

I love you baby, trust in me when I say
I love you baby, don't let me down I pray

I love you baby, now that I've found you stay
And let me love you baby, let me love you...

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

I love you baby and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

I love you baby, trust in me when I say
I love you baby, don't let me down I pray

I love you baby, now that I've found you stay
And let me love you baby, let me love you...

I love you baby and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

I love you baby, trust in me when I say
I love you baby and if it's quite all right

I need you baby to warm the lonely nights
I love you baby, trust in me when I say

anna 26-03-04 14:15

[color=red]Nothing Else Matters[/color]
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

anna 26-03-04 14:25

[color=darkred]"If You Had My Love"[/color]

[ Rodney Jerkins ]
C'mon and just dance a little
Let me see u dance a little
I like it when u dance a little
Baby work it out just dance a little

[ Jennifer Lopez ]
Now if I give u me
This is how its got to be
First of all I won't take u cheating on me
Baby who can I trust if i can't trust in u
And I refuse to let u play me like a fool

U said that we could possibly spend eternity
(See thats what u told me thats what u said)
But if u want me
U have to be fulfilling all my dreams
If u really want me baby

chorus 2x:
If u had my love and I gave u all my trust
Would u comfort me
And if somehow u knew that your love would be untrue
Would u lie to me
And call me your baby

U said u want my love and you've got to have it all
But first there are some things u need to know
If u wanna live with all I have to give
I need to feel true love or its got to end, yeah

I don't want u tryin to get with me
And I end up unhappy
( I don't need the hurt and I don't need the pain)
So before I do, give myself to u
I have to know the truth
If I spend my life with u

repeat chorus 2x

[ Rodney Jerkins ]
C'mon and just dance a little
Let me see u dance a little
I like it when u dance a little
Baby work it out just dance a little

C'mon and just dance a little
Let me see u dance a little
I like it when u dance a little
Darkchild, Jennifer Lopez, c'mon

(repeat chorus till the song ends)

anna 26-03-04 14:26

[color=red]"Waiting For Tonight"[/color]
jennifer lopez

Verse 1:

Like a movie scene , In the sweetest dreams , Have pictured us together
Now to fell your lips , On my finger tips , I have to say is even better
Than i ever thought it couold possibly be
Its perfect , its passion , its setting me free
From all of my sadness , The tears that i've cried , I have spent all my life


Waiting for tonight , Oh
When you would be here in my arms
Waiting for tonight , Oh
I've dreamed of this love for so long
Waiting for tonight

Verse 2:

Tender words you say , Take my breath away , Love me now , leave me no never
Found a sacred place , lost in your embrace , I want to stay in this forever
I think of the days when the sun used to set , On my empty heart , All alone in my bed
Tossing and turning emotions were strong , I knew I had to hold on


Gone are the days when the sun used to set , On my empty heart all alone in my bed
Tossing and turning , Emotions were strong
I knew I had to hold on


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