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fuli_88 09-04-06 22:37

Ndonje fjale te urte ne gjuhe te huaja...!
nese din nej kush nej fjale te urte angleze apo ne gjuhe tjera pse mos ta shprehe

who keeps his secrets,hi always is the king of himself

King_Gentius 10-04-06 03:24

Beware of greeks bearing gifts, lol

kesi 10-04-06 19:44

i love you

Niku000 13-04-06 00:49

"Repect others the same way you want to be respected"

"The only predictible thing in life is that there will always be something that is not"

"True knowledge lies when you understand that you know nothing"

Niku000 13-04-06 00:52

"Repect others the same way you want to be respected"

"The only predictible thing in life is that there will always be something that is not"

"True knowledge lies when you understand that you know nothing"

doGzona 14-04-06 03:53

[INDENT]There is nothing so powerful as truth,—and often nothing so strange.

- Daniel Webster 1782-1852


doGzona 14-04-06 03:57

[INDENT]Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.[COLOR=black]

[/COLOR][FONT=verdana][SIZE=2][I]- Jimmy Durante [/I]

doGzona 14-04-06 03:58

[INDENT]In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

- Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968

Arb 15-04-06 04:58

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe. - Albert Einstein

Preshevar 19-02-07 17:27

[CENTER][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Pourquoi contredire une femme ? Il est tellement plus simple d'attendre qu'elle change d'avis ![/SIZE][/FONT]
:biggrin:lol:biggrin: [/CENTER]

Prishtinasja_ 19-02-07 18:10

"Mit dem Wissen wächst der Zweifel." -- [I]Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[/I]

prishtinasi 19-02-07 20:49

True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.

legenda 19-02-07 20:52

[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
:rolleyes: [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]...[/SIZE][/FONT]

Gertruda 01-03-07 15:13

Happiness will never come to those who fail ti appreciate what they alredy have

If you have nothing to be thankful for,make up your mind that there is something wrong with you.

A singel rose for the living is better than a costly wreth at the grave.

uliksi31 07-04-07 17:12

Kjo eshte ne lutje e mengjesit per shume antar ton.Ahahaha

[B]Oh Lord, help me keep my mouth shut until I know what I'm talking about, hahahahhahaha[/B]

Arb 07-04-07 17:20

A woman can make or break a man.

Arb 07-04-07 17:20

A society is generally as lax as its language.

Arb 07-04-07 17:20

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ffffff]Be careful about reading health books; you might die of a misprint.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Arb 07-04-07 17:21

Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it. Plan more than you can do, then do it.

Arb 07-04-07 17:21

Be careful about reading health books; you might die of a misprint.

Arb 07-04-07 17:22

Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

Arb 07-04-07 17:22

Don't cry because is over; smile because it happened.

Arb 07-04-07 17:22

Feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Arb 07-04-07 17:23

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!

Arb 07-04-07 17:23

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

Arb 07-04-07 17:23

He who drinks beer, thinks beer.

Arb 07-04-07 17:24

If you don't try, you never going to get.

Arb 07-04-07 17:24

If there is a will, there is a way.

Arb 07-04-07 17:24

If you're good enough in something, money will find you.

Arb 07-04-07 17:25

It's always easier to read then write, to listen then to play, to see then to make.

Arb 07-04-07 17:25

Learn not only to find what you like, learn to like what you find.

Arb 07-04-07 17:25

Never promise a fish until it's cought.

Arb 07-04-07 17:26

Nothing is absolute, everything is relative.

Arb 07-04-07 17:26

Old habits die hard.

Arb 07-04-07 17:26

Patience is a virtue.

Arb 07-04-07 17:27

People are like crayons, it’s not what color they are, it’s the picture they make.

Arb 07-04-07 17:27

[SIZE=2]People show thier character by what they laugh at.[/SIZE]

Arb 07-04-07 17:28

Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fall in order to know.

Arb 07-04-07 17:28

Success depends on the support of other people.

Arb 07-04-07 17:28

Takes money to make money.

Te gjitha kohët janë në GMT +1. Ora tani është 12:57.

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