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Vjetėr 19-05-06, 12:01   #1
Anėtarėsuar: 02-11-05
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Gabim Canaj, mes 10 mė tė mirėve tė Francės

Canaj, mes 10 mė tė mirėve tė Francės
Olsi Avdiaj

Lorik Cana ėshtė shpallur dje nga specialistėt e futbollit francez njė prej 10 blerjeve mė tė mira tė sezonit nga njė skuadėr futbolli. Kosovari, i cili luan me Marsejėn, ka marrė vlerėsimet maksimale nga specialistėt e futbollit, tė cilėt kanė pėrzgjedhur lojtarėt mė tė mirė pėr faqen e internetit, duke u shprehur se pėr Marsejėn kjo ka qenė njė nga blerjet mė tė mira. Ja sesi shkruajnė faqet e shtypit francez: "PSG ja qan, ndėrsa Olimpiku i Marsejės qesh. Kjo ėshtė historia e Lorik Canės, futbollistit tė talentuar tė kombėtares shqiptare. I formuar si futbollist tė skuadra pariziane, Cana nuk mundi ta durojė stolin e rezervave, aty ku e la pėr shumė ndeshje nė fillim tė sezonit trajneri i tij Furnier, qė atėherė preferonte tė luante vetėm me njė futbollist mesfushor me tipare mbrojtėse. E si rezultat u bė i mundur kalimi i tij tė skuadra marsejeze pėr vetėm 3 milionė euro, siē ishte vepruar me Fabris Fioresen dhe me Frederik Dehunė. Nė ndryshim nga kėta dy tė fundit, Lorik Cana u ambientua shumė shpejt me klimėn e vendit jugor, madje publiku i Velodromit u kėnaq shumė me ardhjen e njė futbollisti tė ri tė talentuar si Cana. Ndėrsa Parisi do tė vuante mungesėn e efektivitetit nė mesfushė, pikėrisht nė atė "tė braktisur" nga Loriku. Me gjithė paraqitjet e tij tė shkėlqyera, sanksionet administrative nuk e lejojnė tė trajtohet si ndėr mė tė mirėt nė Francė," shkruan

Sporti Shqiptar
19 Maj 2006

Paraja e ben njeriun te pasur, ndersa edukata e ben ate zoteri!
Kalt Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 20-05-06, 16:45   #2
Anėtarėsuar: 18-04-05
Vendndodhja: Manhattan
Postime: 5,899
Reana e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Paris Saint-Germain's player Lorik Cana (R) vies with FC Porto player Ricardo Costa during a friendly soccer match 26 July 2003 at the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris. AFP PHOTO FRANCOIS GUILLOT

Lorik Cana: “We’re playing for Albanians everywhere”

23 December 2003

At the tender age of 20, Lorik Cana has just been voted “Albanian Footballer of the Year 2003.” After rising to prominence at Paris Saint-Germain in France, he has become one of the linchpins of the national side managed by the German Hans-Peter Briegel. took advantage of the opportunity presented by this unassuming and engaging young man’s emergence to gain an insight into a team which despite still being unfamiliar on the European scene, are banking on causing a few upsets during the qualifiers for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™.

Albania have been drawn into Group 2 along with Turkey, Denmark, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. How would you describe the Albanian team?
Cana: As a bunch of pals. We’re a generation of players aged around the 30-year-old mark who have been together for quite a while and for whom 2006 represents our last big chance. Our greatest problem is consistency. In one match, we do well against a quality team, then in the next, we under-perform against lesser opponents. We must improve in this respect, as the expectations of our fans are now enormous. Courtesy of their support and the talented youngsters that Hans-Peter Briegel has been gradually bringing in, the Albanian team will be strong in the qualifiers.
What is your great strength as a team?
Tirana! We are capable of beating anyone at home. We’ve never been beaten there. Our opponents are entering the unknown somewhat and are often intimidated by the Qemal Stafa stadium. The atmosphere there is typical of Southeast Europe, reminiscent of Greece or Turkey. Our fans can win a match on their own, and the 20,000 seats in the stadium are always snapped up straight away. We even get coach-loads coming from Kosovo.
As a Kosovan Albanian, you are a prime example of the cultural diversity in the side.
There are something like nine million Albanians in the Balkans, but because of successive conflicts, our people have become dispersed, moving to Greece, Kosovo, Turkey, Italy … This gives us extra strength, as we are playing for all our people, wherever they may be.
Does this affect your style of play?
It’s almost as if we take our victories as a kind of revenge for events in the world. We feel that we have an additional role, to give our people pleasure through football, and that’s what we do best. We want to make them even more proud of being Albanian.
Is Albania a hotbed of young footballing talent?
There is a great deal of ability but the country is still very poor. As there are no financial resources, the level of our league is very low. Moving abroad is the only way to advance and gain experience, but at the same time, it’s very difficult to leave Albania. In order to get a visa, you must have already signed an employment contract. Not being part of the European Community doesn’t help matters either, and we’re not even covered by the new Malaja ruling. It makes those of us who are already abroad more determined to show how good Albanian footballers are, so that future generations can possibly reap the benefits.
Who are the biggest stars of the Albanian team?
Igli Tare plays for Bologna, Besnik Hasi’s at Anderlecht, Geri Cipi, Mehmet Dragusha and Ervin Skela are at Eintracht Frankfurt … Others play in Italy’s Série B, in Greece or in Turkey. But, we lack an established goalkeeper, as ours has just hung up his gloves at the age of 40.

What qualities has Hans-Peter Briegel brought the side?
We may not have managed to qualify for Portugal, but he made a telling contribution during the qualifying campaign. He brought us the benefit of his vast experience and as Briegel is German, he would dearly love to make an impression on home soil by taking Albania to its first-ever final phase of a major international competition.

Finally, it’s early days yet, but how do you see the qualifying campaign going?
First, we’ll be trying to prepare as best as possible with friendly games. We are gradually building up a good reputation and getting chances to test ourselves against some challenging opponents. We recently took on Portugal, for example. Okay, we lost the game (5-3), but we were hard done by. We have to play teams like this if we are to move forward.
We won’t be among the favourites in Group 2, that’s for sure (laughs). But Georgia and Kazakhstan are definitely beatable, so we will definitely have to make our superiority count against them. Turkey and Greece are both near neighbours, so the atmosphere at those games promises to be extremely heated. And they should not forget, we can beat anyone in Tirana. I also think Ukraine will be in with a good chance of qualification, and as for the Danes… Suffice to say that they always seem to qualify. So, we will be outsiders trying to surprise the big nations. Do you think you can do it?
Upsets are what the beautiful game is all about, aren’t they? Look at little Latvia in the Euro 2004 qualifiers. One thing’s for sure though: if we are going to qualify for a World Cup final phase, it will be in 2006 or a long time later. Right now, we have a solid core of highly talented but ageing players. For many, this tournament will be their last chance… so we all the more reason to give it everything.
Reana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 20-05-06, 17:00   #3
Anėtarėsuar: 18-04-05
Vendndodhja: Manhattan
Postime: 5,899
Reana e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Nje gol nga Loriku, per ekipin e Olympique-ut te Marseille-it:

(Nje ambasador i denje i shqiptareve ne Bote, RESPEKT)!!!
Reana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 27-05-06, 18:21   #4
Avatari i jadore
Anėtarėsuar: 23-08-05
Vendndodhja: universe
Postime: 7,218
jadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėmjadore i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim CANAJ ,mes 10 me te mireve te Frances

.... fansa te sportit , kerkoj falje per nderhyrje ,por vertet u befasova , thash koidenciale , Canes, si mbiemer familjar po i ece mire me sport ne France , Cana po qe po , dhe ky i riu tash , tjetri CANAJ, u bene pra dy fotbolliste me nje mbiemer, besoni qe as mendja nuk me shkoi qe Loriku per nje Gabim drejteshkrimor me doli i pa njohur ,.!!!

jadore Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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