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Arena Ndėrkombėtare Ngjarjet mė tė reja nga skena politike ndėrkombėtare. Analiza, komente, materiale nga shtypi boteror. Ngjarje historike e kulturore ndėrkombėtare. Superfuqitė, Aleancat, Luftrat, Traktatet e paqes etj.

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Vjetėr 20-01-09, 18:18   #1
Avatari i AlbaSoft
Anėtarėsuar: 28-04-08
Postime: 1,743
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Gabim Edhe kjo ndodhi ne OKB, Israel vs Palestine.

Njė shembull i menēur i fjalimit dhe politikės ndodhi kohėt e fundit nė Asamblenė Kombeve tė Bashkuara dhe e bėnė tė qeshė komunitetin ndėrkombėtar

Pėrfaqėsuesi i Palestinės nė fjalimin e tij nė Kombet e Bashkuara tha: ``Pėrpara se tė filloj fjalimin, dėshiroj t`u tregoj diēka rreth Musasė a.s. { Moses a.s.}

Kur ai ( Musau a.s.) goditi shkėmbin dhe nga guri doli uji, mendoi : `` Ēfarė mundėsie pėr tė bėrė banjė ( pėr tu larė)``! Ai u zhvesh dhe rrobat e tij i la mbi njė gur dhe hyri nė ujė. Kur doli nga uji i kėrkoi rrobat e tij, por ato ishin zhdukur. Rrobat ia kishte vjedhur njė izraelit !

Pėrfaqėsuesi i Izraelit brofi egėrsisht nė kėmbė dhe bėrtiti, ``Ēka po thua? Nė atė kohė nuk ka pasur atje Izraelitė.``

Pėrfaqėsuesi i Palestinės buzėqeshi dhe tha: ``eh tash, pasi qė na u bė e qartė kjo, do tė filloj fjalimin tim.

nga anglishtja

Salih Beqiri

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.
The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN, 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!' He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. An Israeli had stolen them.'
The Israeli representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Israelis weren't there then.' The Palestinian representative smiled and said: 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

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