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Vjetėr 26-12-07, 17:39   #16
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Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-04
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės


Sun Dec 23, 7:56 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- If you're pausing to consider what 2008's biggest trouble spots might be, take your finger and travel on the map to the belly of the Balkans, and stop at Kosovo, the enduring trouble spot.

Actually, Kosovo is not yet a country in and of itself, although that is what it wants to be. Serbia claims it as a province, which is exactly what Kosovo does NOT want to be. The United Nations has been administering the 2 million Kosovars, 90 percent of whom are ethnically Albanians. But the Kosovars do not have the faintest taste for joining Albania and are not interested in staying under the control of the U.N., either.

When you add the fact that the United States and the European Union support independence for Kosovo, while Russia supports Serbian nationalist intentions, you begin to understand that this is a problem that cannot be easily worked out.

Personally, I gave up the notion that these two peoples could live together as early as September 1992, when the Balkan wars were raging and Serb Gauleiters had taken over Kosovo.

Because journalists were forbidden from seeing what a wonderfully progressive "occupation" the Serbs were imposing upon the innocent Kosovars, I found myself in neighboring independent Macedonia, utterly determined to get in. Well, just try it, I thought -- so I got the wiliest Kosovar cab driver I could find, and we "attacked" the always crowded and dangerous border crossing.

My choice was a good one. Sam (for such, strangely enough, was his name) saw no reason for waiting in line. No, at the border he simply swerved around long, snaking lines of cars, waved our two passports at his "friends," the border guards, and whisked me into the capital of Pristina, one of the most run-down cities I have ever seen. He also managed to get me nearly shot by machine gun-bearing Serb soldiers when I innocently tried to stroll about the university.

In a run-down shack by the river, I spoke at some length with the melodramatic Ibrahim Rugova, head of the anti-Serb Kosovars whose Democratic League of Kosovo had set up a parallel state -- their own schools, banks, hospitals, universities, underground police, etc. A truly original 21st-century independence movement at its birth!

This man, who would have seemed more at ease in a great dramatic work, at one point mused with me: "Kosovo ... It would be a tiny state, but we could do it ... It would be a good solution, sometime."

By 2001, all of this had miraculously changed. By then he was the elected president of the parliament of Kosovo. They were freed from the Serbs' oppression, even though Kosovo still was officially a province of Serbia. Everything had changed because, after four years of NATO and the Europeans doing nothing to stop the Serb repression, in 1999 the United States bravely led NATO bombardments of Kosovo and drove the Serbs out.

But something strange had happened during the Balkan war of the '90s with Serbia invading Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, all of whom became independent, as well as Kosovo, which did not.

The Europeans sent peacekeepers to the region under the U.N., ostensibly to impose a United Nations brand of neutralism. But they insisted, in one of the most curious operations of modern times, that the U.N. could not take action, even when it was clear that the Serbs were the aggressors, having massacred tens of thousands of Kosovars. In effect, they declared that no one was innocent or really guilty, and so they would never have to take action -- and they never did.

While the larger and more important parts of Serbia were going their independent ways, Kosovo, from 1999 until today, has been imperfectly run by the U.N. Now, as Serbian elections loom on Jan. 20, Serbia is demanding its solution -- keep Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia.

Yet, in preparation for the independence that the vast majority of Kosovars want and the Europeans support, the European Union this fall pledged 1,800 police and administrative officials to Kosovo as part of a package of aid and diplomacy intended to move Kosovo quickly toward independence, while offering Serbia a "fast track" to membership in the E.U.
The words of Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica recently revealed the attitudes of the Serbs. "It is unacceptable to speak of Kosovo, a province of Serbia, as a future state," he said. "It is especially insulting to offer to a crippled Serbia a reward of fast track to the E.U. in exchange for its consent to violence."

Others might think that it is insulting to the world to pretend that the Serb violence against Kosovo never happened, and that it is deeply immoral to ask the Kosovars now to live with their oppressors.

Moreover, a new Kosovar identity is emerging in the region. Kosovars are designing a new national flag, one, it is hoped, that would reflect a multi-ethnic identity and include the 10 percent of Kosovars who are ethnically Serbs. And President Rugova, before he died, even tried to rename Kosovo's indigenous dog the "Kosovo shepherd."

What is clear here is that both Europe and the United States have every reason to stand by Kosovo in its natural desire and demand for independence. Indeed, what is the alternative? Stand by the Serbs who slaughtered some 250,000 of their "neighbors" during the '90s? There is a chance here for Europe, as well, to make up for its moral casualness in the Balkans during the '90s, and for the U.S. to embrace a truly righteous cause.

As Charles A. Kupchan, professor of international affairs at Georgetown University, wrote recently in Foreign Affairs: "Kosovo's independence ... should not be held hostage to Serbia's inability to trust itself to behave responsibly. The United States and its European partners were too timid in confronting Serbian nationalism throughout most of the 1990s, and much blood was shed as a result. The international community should not make the same mistake today. Serbia's darker instincts need to be extinguished, not accommodated."
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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:23   #17
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

The First Military Victim of World War III
From the booklet The Rising Beast—Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans by Gerald Flurry »
Copyright © Philadelphia Church of God

Once again the Germans are structuring an empire. They have moved their capital from Bonn back to Berlin and the Reichstag. “Reichstag” means empire. It is the building from where Hitler launched a war that cost about 50 million lives.

That is how badly the Germans wanted an empire in World War ii. Their whole history reveals a similar pattern.

Some of the best foreign-affairs analysts are beginning to wake up to what is happening in Europe—and it all started in the Balkan Peninsula.

This is how one intelligence periodical sees the outcome of the past decade’s Yugoslav wars, started, as we will see, by Germany’s recognition of Croatia and Slovenia in 1991: “The European empire is acquiring colonies fast. Currently engaged in negotiations with nato in order to take over the running of Macedonia, the EU has acquired de facto control of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the extent that the new High Representative, Lord Ashdown, has appointed a German and a French deputy but no American. This is the first time there has not been a U.S. deputy in the body which governs Bosnia. It means that the ‘big three’ EU states are now in control of the former Yugoslav territory” (European Foundation Intelligence Digest, May 2, 2002).

Did you get that? The German-dominated EU now has control of the first colonies of its new empire!

In 2002, nato began withdrawing troops from the Balkan Peninsula. With Croatia and Slovenia firmly attached to the EU, the Union is now in the process of imposing its version of “security” on other nations that once formed the old Republic of Yugoslavia. The first EU police mission under the European Security and Defense policy began in Bosnia in January 2003, taking over from the United Nations International Police Task Force. This ended the direct involvement of the UN, nato and the U.S. in Bosnia and set the pattern for the ultimate takeover of the entire Balkan Peninsula by this European force.

Concerning the other old Yugoslav countries, Serbia and Montenegro are now virtually vassal states of the EU, almost totally dependent on the Union for financing reconstruction and development following the Yugoslav wars. Now the question of Macedonia’s position remains to be finalized. With a nato security force already on the ground in Macedonia, Germany has contributed the greatest number of troops of the 11 nations involved in this force. The force is under a German commander. To all intents and purposes, Macedonia is already in the bag for Europe.

Europe has effectively conquered Yugoslavia! We will prove in this booklet that the former Yugoslavia is in fact the first victim of World War iii.

Backing Germany

Let’s begin our analysis of this nightmarish situation with a look at events in 1995. Here is a segment of the August 11-25, 1995, issue of Intelligence Digest (emphasis mine throughout): “American generals trained and advised the recently triumphant Croatian army, and German pilots have been training the Croatian air force (UN sources at Zagreb airport say air-traffic control frequencies ‘resound to the voices of German pilots’). Yet the recent events in the former Yugoslavia, important (and dangerous) as they are, form only a small part of an overall U.S.-German plan for Europe. …

“America’s solution is to encourage and support German hegemony [domination] in both east and west Europe.

“Germany’s control of Western Europe is exercised through the European Union (EU), and American support for German dominance of the EU has been evident since at least 1990. At that time a pro-German U.S. State Department under James Baker started a whispering campaign against British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher because of her opposition to any further surrender of British sovereignty to the German-dominated EU (or European Community as it then was).

“This whispering campaign was partly responsible for Mrs. Thatcher’s ouster from … the British premiership. …

“[Washington] is following an intentional policy the purpose of which is to leave both east and west Europe under complete German domination. …

“So Germany, with the full backing of America, is to be the sole great power of Europe. …

“Washington urgently needs to think again before it is too late: Its policy for Europe is not a policy for future stability; it is the reverse.”

This was a shocking revelation! American foreign policy supported German dominance in the EU. And both America and Germany supported the breakup of the Balkans. The question is, why?

For the answer, we must look a little further back into the history of this war-torn region of former Yugoslavia.

Germany’s Opening Move

In December 1991, serious events began to take shape within Germany and Eastern Europe. Germany—although strongly opposed by the European Economic Community, the U.S. and the UN—recognized the breakaway states of Croatia and Slovenia. Pope John Paul ii quickly did the same. (This was not a coincidence; the people of these two Balkan states are staunchly loyal to the Roman Catholic Church.) The European Economic Community caved in and recognized the two states on January 15, 1992.

The New York Times wrote about this watershed event in a front-page article, “Moving Defiantly on Yugoslavia, Bonn Threatens Rift With Allies”: “Germany will go ahead with its plans to extend diplomatic recognition to the breakaway Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia, German officials said today, increasing prospects for a pronounced rift on the issue in the Western alliance.

“Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s spokesman, Dieter Vogel, said on Friday that the Bonn government would wait until after a meeting of European Community foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday before announcing recognition, which has been opposed by the United Nations, the United States and by the European Community. But officials made clear that Bonn’s decision would not be affected by the outcome of Monday‘s meeting” (Dec. 15, 1991).

Germany was opposed by virtually the whole world on this matter! Yet Germany stood firm in its decision. Why? How could a nation with Germany’s recent past attempt such a thing? It makes a lot of sense if you understand the history of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire!

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:24   #18
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

Germany started World Wars i and ii. Let’s not forget that mind-numbing history. That same war spirit was thriving in Germany‘s support of these breakaway states! The Germans were strongly opposed by the whole world and still got their way.

The first blow of World War iii has already been struck. That is because this same nation—Germany—will continue this aggressive war spirit until the whole world is dragged into a nuclear World War iii! So says history and Bible prophecy.

The habit of starting every world war dies hard.

The U.S. did a complete turnaround on their political stance, caving in to Germany. Not only that, they used their power to win this Yugoslav war for Germany!

The “world’s only superpower” was despicably weak. The Yugoslavia debacle was another spectacular demonstration that America is no longer a superpower.

What America did in Yugoslavia will come back to haunt us forever. History thunders to us that it was a monumental mistake. Bible prophecy relates that it was part of a massive curse on our land.

The final outcome is going to be good news. But the suffering that precedes it will be the worst ever.

Germany’s Power

Another New York Times article, “UN Yields to Plans by Germany to Recognize Yugoslav Republics,” said, “The Security Council backed away from a confrontation with Germany over Yugoslavia today after Germany’s European allies on the council decided that they did not want a major clash with Bonn” (Dec. 16, 1991).

Why did the UN decide not to fight against Germany’s decision? Because Germany’s European allies “did not want a major clash with Bonn.”

The historical plan of the European Union was to control a dangerous Germany. But it is clear that Germany is controlling the EU!

The horrendous truth that this world refuses to face is that Germany has not repented of starting two world wars. The warlike spirit of World Wars i and ii is still very much alive!

It doesn’t take a lot of vision to see where this is headed. Bible prophecy says it will lead to the worst destruction this world has ever experienced!

It is time for us to wake up. Even if we don’t believe the Bible, sound reasoning should awaken us.

Let’s continue in the New York Times article: “The incident underscored Germany’s growing political power within the 12-nation European Community, diplomats said. Some added that it marked the single most visible demonstration of that power since reunification of the two Germanys more than a year ago [in 1990]” (ibid.).

It was “the single most visible demonstration of that power” since Germany was reunited. What does that mean? It means that Germany is on the same track they were on when they started World Wars i and ii! This is the grisly truth that most people don’t want to face. So we bury our heads in the sand. But that doesn’t remove the truth or change events.

Again, the Germans have not repented of what they did in World Wars i and ii—or they would not be acting this way!

Why can’t we be logical about something so terrifying? Are we too decadent even to care?

If our reasoning doesn’t shake us, events certainly will—one thousand times over!

“Troubling Historical Associations”

The article continued, “Moreover, in its unusual assertiveness in moving ahead with a plan to extend diplomatic recognition to the breakaway Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia, Germany has stirred troubling historical associations …. Nazi Germany dominated the two Yugoslav regions during World War ii, absorbing Slovenia into the Third Reich and creating a puppet regime in Croatia” (ibid.).

“Germany has stirred troubling historical associations.” But just how troubled are we? Even the New York Times doesn’t seem troubled anymore. I hear almost no discussion of that troubling history—or, more importantly, what it means for the future! That is why it is so troubling.

Are we afraid to face this troubling truth? America and Britain should be so troubled that they would even risk a military clash with Germany. But those kind of superpower actions are past history.

After all, Germany could easily be stopped now if we had the will to use our power. But we are dangerously weak. So Germany’s power (with the EU) will grow until we can’t stop it.

We are in a far worse scenario than we were in the 1930s when Winston Churchill was warning the West about Adolf Hitler. We ignore that terrifying history, and are dangerously weak because of it.

Once again we fear to face the mind-jarring reality. Have we forgotten that we almost lost World War ii? And we did so because almost everybody rejected Churchill’s strong warnings against Germany.

Now is the time to face that unpalatable truth.

Germany was determined to recognize Croatia, in spite of this recent and horrifying past! But why would the U.S. support such a move? At first, America did not. But that quickly changed once Germany flexed its political muscle. America shamefully let Germany lead it.

“Germany has long historical ties, both glorious and shameful, to Slovenia and Croatia. Slovenia was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and many people there still identify with the German-speaking world. There has also been German influence in Croatia, and during World War ii Croatia was ruled by a pro-Nazi regime.

“This aspect of Croatian history, and the fact that the Tudjman government has refused to disassociate itself from the Croatian fascists who ruled the republic in the 1940s, has made European leaders unwilling to move quickly toward recognition. German public opinion is strongly pro-Croatian and anti-Serbian” (New York Times, Dec. 8, 1991).

This is a shocking article. German public opinion was strongly pro-Croatian and anti-Serbian, or in reality anti-Yugoslavian. The German people are emotionally involved with these two republics.

This is just another of many signs that the German people have not repented of causing about 50 million deaths in World War ii!

They would be horrified at these emotions if they deeply understood and hated their Nazi past. They should hate the monstrous crimes inflicted on the world by their eagerly following Hitler.

But the West is more to blame than the Germans. Our denazifying of Germany after World War ii was a shameful farce. How can we calculate the suffering that mistake will cause? This work has written on and documented this tragedy for years.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:24   #19
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

So brace yourselves: A strong militaristic Germany is marching once again, and its destruction this time will make its crimes in World Wars i and ii look like child’s play!

Most of the words we hear from the Germans and others will indicate otherwise. But watch what they do—their deeds.

Isn’t it also disturbing that the Croatian leader—the late Franjo Tudjman—would not disassociate himself from the Croatian fascists, or Nazis, of the 1940s, yet was still a respected leader in a Roman Catholic country? If these people were good Roman Catholics, how could they honor fascism in this way? Isn’t this rather alarming? Croatian leaders wouldn’t disassociate themselves from such a horrible past, yet the pope openly recognized Croatia in its struggle for independence, despite being opposed by most of the world. These facts suggest the development of something dangerously ominous.

Do you understand the importance of this history? How quickly the world has forgotten the events surrounding World War ii. How quickly the world has forgotten that Germany has historically considered it a primary duty to protect the Roman Catholic Church! During the various reigns of the Holy Roman Empire, they have felt it their duty to enforce the church’s desires. That helps us to understand why Germany will stand up against the European Union, America, the United Nations and the entire world!

Something very dark and sinister is stirring in Europe. What happened in Croatia was only a small sample of what is about to spread over the entire region! This is the “straw that will stir the drink” to unify all of Europe. It will not be long before Europe is reunited as the Holy Roman Empire. It will be led very assertively by Germany.

Two republics now have their independence because of Germany and the pope. The whole world would have been against the independence of these two republics had not Germany and the pope spoken out in support of them! These events revealed a great deal about the power Germany has developed. But more importantly, they projected where Germany and the Vatican are headed in the future!

Now a German-led EU virtually controls all of Yugoslavia. As you continue reading, we will prove to you that this is the first nation conquered by the reviving Holy Roman Empire.

World War iii has already begun! Soon all of Europe will be under Germany’s control—and that is only the beginning. America, Britain and the nation called Israel today will be conquered by the Holy Roman Empire if we don’t repent!

The Holy Roman Empire will soon become more powerful than Russia, China or the U.S. Please open your eyes and watch it happen.

Germany forced the issue in Yugoslavia and exposed how weak America and the West really are. And the whole world was watching and learning. World leaders clearly know how weak America is. That is why so many challenge it. This trend has only intensified since that time, and it will get far worse.

Many Serbian leaders believe the driving force behind the independence of Croatia and Slovenia was the Roman Catholic Church! This is only a small part of a rising Holy Roman Empire. Germany and the Vatican were willing to offend the whole world to recognize two little Roman Catholic republics! These events show anybody willing to take note that something dreadful is stirring in Germany and the Vatican.

For the most part, what is happening in Europe, politically and religiously, is invisible to the world. Even many political leaders in Europe will be moved with great emotion in support of European unity, not truly understanding what they are doing.

Germany’s World Dominance

Shortly after Germany recognized the breakaway republic of Croatia, civil war broke out in Yugoslavia. Many people blame Germany for this civil war, and rightfully so.

All of Europe and America were openly hostile to Germany’s action at that time, but Europe quickly caved in when Germany threatened to pull out of the European Union.

America saw the flow of events and, as usual, weakly changed its public view by submitting to Germany.

Mr. Tudjman, Croatia’s leader at that time, had publicly and repeatedly said his country was right in supporting Hitler! He was very adamant and unrepentant about that.

In 1995, Alexander Cockburn wrote this in the Detroit Free Press: “When Germany led the Western powers to recognize Croatia, Slovenia and finally Bosnia at the start of the ’90s, the Serbs remembered vividly what had happened to them at the hands of the Nazi-backed puppet state of Croatia in World War ii. At least 700,000 Serbs—some say as many as 1.2 million—along with 30,000 Jews, were slaughtered by Croats in the Jasenovac concentration camp. [Even if there were only 700,000 Serbs killed, that was still a colossal disaster.]

“The Croat lobby in the United States has displayed eel-like slipperiness when pressed about the fascist predilections of Croat leader Franjo Tudjman. Inquiries into his character and intentions are very much to the point: Tudjman has written books of spine-chilling anti-Semitism and apologetics for mass extermination.

“This is the man pampered by the West, even as he drives toward a greater Croatia built in the image of Ante Pavelic’s Croatian Republic of the 1940s” (Aug. 24, 1995).

That reminds me of the years leading up to World War ii, after Hitler had already written his hateful diatribe, Mein Kampf. Yet Neville Chamberlain and other weak leaders were actually cozying up to and pampering this man who would head the Nazi war machine.

An inquiring mind might ask how Germany and the Vatican could openly and flagrantly support a Nazi-type leader, considering their own recent history. Nazi atrocities and the Vatican’s involvement in protecting and hiding Nazi leaders during and after World War ii are overwhelmingly documented! The great majority of the Nazis who escaped were assisted by the Catholic Church (request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire).

Now Germany and the Vatican are headed in the same direction again. There is a frightening spirit there that we should be acutely concerned about. America’s national survival depends on it.

According to some reports, America signed a secret agreement to continue operating with the Croatian military. Remember, this is the same nation that we were bullied into accepting as an independent republic in 1991! Where Germany leads, we seem to follow.

America’s foreign-policy shift in 1991 enraged its traditional allies Britain, France and the Netherlands. These nations saw what Germany was doing, not only in Yugoslavia, but all over Europe. The European Union collectively had hoped to keep powerful Germany under control—with help from the U.S.! Instead, America helped Germany enforce its will on Europe! Europeans, who are being helplessly swept along, are painfully aware that Germany has caused two world wars—in living memory—and the death of over 60 million people!

Has America forgotten its loyal allies of World Wars i and ii and in 50 years of the Cold War? Germany has bullied the U.S. into nearly wrecking that alliance!

These traditional American allies know a great deal about Germany’s desire to control Europe. U.S. leaders, however, seem to be ignorant of the dangers. It seems that they learned little or nothing from World Wars i and ii.

The Serbs fought on the side of America and Britain in two world wars. In the 1990s, the Serbs were the only power to resist Germany in the Balkans. Now Germany is having its way in that part of the world. And the European Union is now openly discussing global ambitions—challenging America.

No wonder America is losing allies in Europe. Historical alliances and friends seem almost meaningless to the U.S. At the same time, America is helping to build a Frankenstein monster that is about to turn on its creator!

America and Britain clearly do not understand history. And worse, they are totally ignorant of Bible prophecy.

This is an amazing scenario! The most powerful foreign policy in this world comes out of Germany! At first, America was bitterly opposed to Germany recognizing the republic of Croatia. Then it turned around to help Germany fight for Croatia‘s independence! What a pathetic turnaround.

These events set the stage for 1999’s nightmare in Kosovo. •
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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:25   #20
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo
From the booklet The Rising Beast—Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans

by Gerald Flurry »
Copyright © Philadelphia Church of God

The Serbs fought on our side in two world wars, and Germany fought against us in both of those wars. How strange to see that alliance reversed today.

We have failed to learn from this history, and we are going to pay a terrifying price!

The simple truth is, Serbia is no threat to Europe or America. But Germany has routinely been a dangerous threat to Europe and the world! And whether we realize it or not, they still are today—far more so than in the past.

The only real winners in 1999’s war in Yugoslavia were Germany and the Vatican. Time will show that America and Britain were the great losers. The Kosovo conflict made them weaker as Germany grew in power.

It has often been said that truth is the first casualty of war. That probably has never been more true than in that war.

Germany Backs Albania

Yugoslavia lost the states of Croatia and Slovenia because of Germany. In the last chapter I showed how Germany recognized these breakaway republics and then supported them with troops and armaments. America (and almost the whole world) strongly opposed Germany’s undemocratic plans in the beginning. But the U.S. weakened and then even decided to support Germany in its war to control the Balkans! Europe and the United Nations meekly followed along.

Germany’s approach to taking over Yugoslavia was anything but democratic. This was good old-fashioned German fascism, supported by America and Britain. It makes you wonder how deeply we love freedom.

Germany has the most destructive military history of any nation ever on Earth! But America has supported them as though they have been the peacekeepers of the world. It’s as if the whole world has habitually learned to fear Germany—fearing to speak out against them.

After Croatia and Slovenia, the civil war spread into Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Serbs lost control of a large portion of this republic also.

Still the Germans were not satisfied. The Serbs saw Germany supporting a guerrilla army of Albanians. The guerrillas called themselves the Kosovo Liberation Army (kla)—though they were never freedom fighters. Many of the authorities likened them to the Mafia. Kosovo was comprised of 90 percent Albanians. These Kosovar Albanians, along with Albania and Germany, supported the guerrilla army against the Serbs.

“The German ambassador made evident the very good relations between the two countries [Albania and Germany] and voiced the will of his government to consolidate and promote further these relations. He highlighted the efficiency of various projects of the German assistance in Albania and stressed that they will be expanded in the coming months.

“Albanian Foreign Minister [Paskal] Milo stressed that Germany is one of the most important countries in the foreign policy of Albania” (Albanian Telegraphic Agency, Aug. 6, 1997; emphasis mine throughout). Germany is probably the strongest foreign industrial power in Albania. So their ties are unusually close.

There was also direct support coming from Germany. There are 600,000 Albanians in Germany. Many of the kla guerrillas left their families behind in Germany to fight against the Serbs in a civil war that the German-supported Albanians started. Is that German democracy, or German fascism?

Germany also gave financial support to the kla. According to bbc News, “In addition to money sent home to relatives [in Germany], Kosovo’s internationally unrecognized government-in-exile has been collecting a tax of 3 percent of earnings. Its prime minister, Bujar Bukoshi, who is based in Germany, has repeatedly denied that the money is used to buy arms—he says that it’s spent on running the health and education services” (Aug. 5, 1998). But did anybody believe that?

Kosovo’s “internationally unrecognized government-in-exile” had a prime minister who was based in Germany and operated freely with the blessing (perhaps even the direction) of the German government! So Germany recognized Kosovo’s government-in-exile when nobody else did. But the international community submissively followed Germany’s lead.

The kla guerrillas didn‘t just happen. They were essentially raised up and directly supported by Germany—the powerhouse of Europe.

All of Germany’s actions in this Yugoslav war have been blatant and brutal fascism. We can call it democratic if we choose to do so, but that doesn’t make it true. This is still the country that started World Wars i and ii. And they have already started World War iii in an unofficial way! It is time that we came out of our dream and recognized this very dangerous reality. The spirit of war has been resurrected again in Germany. Now only superior will and military force can stop it.

How many nightmares must we experience before we wake up to what is happening in Germany?

Germany encouraged nato attacks with the strongest language. The German defense minister, Rudolf Scharping, said in a March 1999 television interview on zdf that “genocide is starting.” His alarmist vocabulary caused many to think about genocide. It became common to hear that word being used in relation to Kosovo.

The Australian reported on April 1, 1999, “With thousands of refugees continuing to stream out of the war-torn province, German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping claimed in Bonn last night that evidence had emerged of concentration camps being set up by Serb forces.”

People watched television and saw the streams of Albanian refugees. Then they totally blamed the Serbs. Most knew very little about Kosovo, yet spoke of “genocide”—the deliberate and systematic destruction of a race. Then came talk about “concentration camps.” Genocide and concentration camps—words introduced by the German defense minister.

We see today that most of those claims were built on a foundation of ignorance, deceit and lies.

It is true that after a powerful nato air attack, the Serbs responded violently to save what remained of their country. But there was little mentioned about refugees before the nato attacks. In fact, nato’s initial purpose in the war was to protect the Kosovar people in their homeland. That purpose shamefully failed.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:26   #21
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

Why? Because that was not what Germany wanted! Now this province too dances to Germany’s tune.

Is nato blameless?

Germany Pressured nato

Stratfor Systems issued this most alarming report in 1998: “Serbian Radio in Belgrade on September 22 broadcast a scathing commentary charging Germany with ‘warmongering’ and warning Europe against the alleged rebirth of German fascism” (Sept. 25, 1998).

Call the Serbs what you like, but that is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia! And German fascism is accelerating all over Europe. This is the deadly truth that Europe and the U.S. refuse to face!

The report continued, “More pointedly, Serbian Radio cited Germany’s record in the two world wars, and charged that Germany harbors ‘open ambition to become the master of Europe.’ Questioning Europe’s silence on Germany’s behavior, commentator Milika Sundic said, ‘It is difficult to comprehend and accept that Europe has become Germany’s slave.’ Sundic went on to claim that ‘Germany contributed the most to the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia,’ and that ‘Serbia has known for some time that Germany was behind the [kla] terrorism in [Kosovo].’”

Who can present any evidence to refute these powerful words?

Was the German-supported kla a band of freedom fighters, or were they terrorists? Nato has had serious problems controlling them.

The truth is, they were German-supported terrorists—used to achieve Germany‘s fascist goals. The world quickly forgets the ugly truth about Germany‘s aims. But the sledgehammer of events will jar our memory as never before.

“The fact is that Germany [was] one of the leading voices pushing for nato intervention in Kosovo. In a meeting of nato defense ministers in Portugal on September 24 [1998], which resulted in a virtual ultimatum to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to cease the fighting in Kosovo or face nato air strikes, only Germany‘s [then Defense Minister Volker] R�he called for a firm deadline to be set for intervention. R�he said, ‘We must move quickly to an ultimatum in the next 10 days or less …. We must do something for the people on the ground and not just issue one more resolution after another’” (ibid.). Was Germany’s penchant for blitzkrieg warfare beginning to surface?

“R�he has argued against awaiting a [United Nations] mandate on the use of force against Serbia. [Not even the United Nations could deter Germany from their goal.] Said R�he, ‘Pictures of people [in Kosovo] camping out in the open … are in themselves an ultimatum.’ Moreover, and more to the point, R�he said, ‘We must avoid to be dependent on a Russian veto.’ He claimed that the current relationship between nato and Russia presumes that ‘Russia has no veto whenever nato needs to act.’ …

“Germany is leading the campaign for a quick and, if necessary, military solution to the conflict in Kosovo ….

“Germany is also extremely concerned about U.S. vacillation in its military commitment to European stability, particularly to the use of nato as a policing tool. That U.S. vacillation has led to the utter disdain in which Serbia holds nato. Germany is looking ahead to the day when it must take a leading role in the defense of Western Europe, and it does not want to take on that role with a dull knife” (ibid.).

Even in 1998, Stratfor saw that Germany’s ambition reached beyond Yugoslavia.

Fascist History

Ralph Giordano, television journalist and author, writing in 1993 on the spate of neo-Nazi hate crimes against foreigners that had swept Germany in the previous decade, mused on what he calls Germany’s “second guilt” as the reason for the revival of old fascist sympathies in today’s Germany.

“A specter is haunting united Germany … the specter of a brown resurrection! This time, unlike its appearance in the mid-’60s, it is no temporary phenomenon, but is today deeply rooted in the society, and tomorrow will have established itself in the parliamentary structure at both the federal and provincial level” (The Future of German Democracy).

Giordano went on to expose one of the historical connections between the sleaziest aspects of the Allies’ approach to post-war German reconstruction and the rise of fascist tendencies in that country today. “With only a few exceptions these perpetrators not only were let off in the end unpunished, but they were also allowed to continue their careers with impunity …. Well into the 1970s the elite of finance, industry and government was almost identical to that under Hitler” (ibid.).

East and West Germany are reunited; Germany’s capital is once again Berlin; the country sits astride the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe. Thus it is now the politics of Germany that powerfully influence politics in all Europe. Just as the embracing of fascism by Hitler’s government spread to become the dominant form of governance in Europe prior to World War ii, what emerges from the present-day political melee in Germany will spread to influence its EU partners in their political persuasion.

German fascism has virtually conquered Yugoslavia. People can scoff all they like. But watch Germany. Yugoslavia is only the beginning. German fascism is back, just as we have prophesied for over 50 years. Soon the whole world will understand that.

The Serbs see clearly that Germany was behind the breakdown of former Yugoslavia. We cannot forget that all of Europe, the U.S. and the UN were against Germany when it recognized and strongly supported the breakaway of Slovenia and Croatia. But Germany prevailed. Croatia’s breakaway led to civil war. America‘s secretary of state at the time said that Germany had “a certain responsibility” for the Yugoslav civil war. But he was quickly silenced! And no leader in our government has made such a statement since.

That was one of the powerful truths that became a casualty early in the Yugoslav war.

Germany’s Master Plan

Germany has a master plan. We have warned about that master plan since immediately after World War ii. Germany is fast becoming the fascist superpower of the West, as the U.S. collapses as a superpower. You urgently need to understand why this is happening! Please request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

Margaret Thatcher, former British prime minister, said this about the European Union in October 1995: “You have not anchored Germany to Europe; you have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.”

She didn’t see Germany as a democracy-loving country, but as “a newly dominant” country. Mrs. Thatcher clearly said the European Union was not a democratic union. It is dominated by Germany. But it seems nobody wants to admit that they have not repented of their fascist, Nazi past.

Let the world beware!

Bernard Connolly, in The Rotten Heart of Europe, said the European Union was only a “cloak for German ambitions.”

At least we ought to consider such authoritative voices.

First of all, the Germans want to control Europe. To do so, they must gain control of the Balkans, where their fiercest enemy is the Serbs. For the most part, the Serbs have been silenced.

Do you realize that 75 percent of the nato military power in the Kosovo conflict was supplied by the U.S.? That means Germany actually pressured and directed nato—especially the U.S.—to carry out its own fascist ambitions within Europe!

We are going to pay the supreme penalty for such a dangerously misguided foreign policy.

All of Europe, the UN and America caved in to Germany, in spite of its responsibility for the deaths of 60-70 million people in World Wars i and ii!

Germany had all of nato fighting for its cause, and it seems nobody wants to even discuss how it all began.

Is it so hard to understand why the Serbs were enraged? Their country has been systematically destroyed—primarily by Germany. What country would not fight against such an outrage? Does any nation really see the Serbs’ point of view?

Since they were our allies in both world wars, we of all people should see their side of the story.

The German master plan is very similar to what the country has done in the past. The only real difference is, it has been much more subtle—so far.

If the Western world would only remember the recent past of Germany, it would frighten us into reality.

The Germans inherently dislike democracy. And we did almost nothing to change that attitude after World War ii.

The March 26, 1999, New York Times stated, “For the first time since the end of World War ii, German fighter jets have gone to war, taking part in the attack on Yugoslavia as part of a nato force and marking this country’s definitive emancipation from post-war pacifism. …

“Still, the German participation in air raids on Yugoslavia is potentially explosive, for it will confirm every dark Serbian suspicion about the West. If there has been a single obsession in Serbian policy this century, it has been to prevent what Belgrade sees as German expansionism in the Balkans.

“‘We are not ready to make a distinction between the bombs of Adolf Hitler from 1941 and the bombs of nato,’ Vuk Draskovic, the Yugoslavian deputy prime minister, said.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:28   #22
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

“Strong German support for Croatian independence from Yugoslavia, and Croatia’s adoption of the hymn ‘Danke Deutschland‘ when that independence came in 1991, only reinforced Serbian misgivings.” Croatia clearly knew its revolt succeeded because of Germany. After all, they didn’t sing “Danke nato“!

The leaders of America and Britain don’t see what is happening in Yugoslavia because they refuse to see. That attitude of sinful weakness is going to cause us to suffer more than any people ever have in history!

It seems the Serbs were the only ones who recognized the dangerous resurgence of a militant Germany. Germany poses a danger thousands of times greater than the Serbs could ever pose to Europe and the world.

The Serbs have good reason to fear, since they were victims of the German and Croatian Nazis of World War ii. One Trumpet reader from Indiana wrote to us, “After reading your article ‘Croatia Reveals the Rising Beast’ in the January 1999 issue … I would like to … express my deepest gratitude to you for what you have done for me as a human being by publishing that article so that millions of other human beings in the world can understand the Serbs.

“As an American of Serbian descent and a survivor of the horrible Croatian holocaust during World War ii, I would like to tell you, my dear friend, how much I appreciate your personal involvement and effort, and how immensely I am grateful to you for your courage, humanity and patriotism for publishing that article in your magazine. I can assure you that from now on, you’ll be my dear friend as long as I live.”

A Warning Unheeded

In 1996, a shocking World War ii intelligence document was made public. The document, detailing an August 1944 meeting between top German industrialists, reveals a secret post-war plan to restore the Nazis to power. Several of Germany’s elite industries were represented, including Messerschmitt and Volkswagenwerks. These companies, the document asserts, were to “prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground.” When the U.S. declassified this document, it received only sparse news coverage. Yet even more disturbing than the deep stupor of the press is the fact that the U.S. government did not make it public until 1996—over 50 years later!

By 1944, the Germans knew they would lose World War ii and were already planning for the next round! “Existing financial reserves in foreign countries,” the document says, “must be placed at the disposal of the party so that a strong German Empire can be created after the defeat.”

Those at the 1944 meeting understood that the most prominent members of the Nazi Party would be condemned as war criminals. “However,” the document maintains, “in cooperation with the industrialists it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members in positions with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.”

How alarming! Why was so little written about this in 1996? Why did it take so long for it to be declassified? America and Britain have fallen asleep—our people don’t understand what is happening behind the scenes!

That is why we feel compelled to return to these issues again and again. Hardly anyone else will!

Historians have long debated whether or not a secret Nazi plan was made for a post-war, international network. Now that it has been confirmed, as Elan Steinberg of the World Jewish Congress said, “the central question is whether it has been carried out.”

The obvious answer is, it has!

Brian Connell, in his 1957 book A Watcher on the Rhine, offered abundant proof of that plan being carried out. He drew attention to a watershed event in 1947, just two years after the war, when Allied authorities foolishly handed over denazification responsibilities to, of all people, the Germans! After 1947, denazification in Germany, according to Connell, was a farce!

Consider the province of Bavaria for example. “The Bavarian administration,” Connell wrote, “is largely in the hands of those who controlled it under Hitler …. Almost all of the 1,000 teachers who were removed for political reasons have been reappointed, representing roughly 60 percent of the teaching staff employed by the Ministry of Education. Sixty percent of the 15,000 employees in the Finance Ministry are former Nazis, and 81 percent of the 924 judges, magistrates and prosecutors in the Ministry of Justice.”

There was an attempt made by the Allies to liberalize a narrow method of teaching in German education. Connell stated, “New teachers were appointed, and a degree of independence assured to individual instructions, which should have made education for democracy a feasible proposition. But many of the former Nazi teachers have found their way back.”

Later, Connell wrote, “In Western Germany, the newly prosperous Ruhr industrialists, the still impenitent core of former Nazis … represents a challenge to the democratic order.”

Nazism is far from being dead in Germany! Today, right-wing extremism continues to increase dramatically—even in German elections! Should that surprise us?

Let us now look at another important report that never received much press coverage.

The report was given by Herbert W. Armstrong from the United Nations on May 9, 1945, just nine months after the secret meeting between German industrialists. In it Mr. Armstrong said, “The war is over, in Europe—or is it?”

What did he mean by that? Did he know something no one else did? He certainly did!

“We don’t understand German thoroughness,” he said. “From the very start of World War ii, they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the first—and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round—World War iii! Hitler has lost. This round of war, in Europe, is over. And the Nazis have now gone underground.”

Many scoffed at Mr. Armstrong’s warning message in 1945. Yet look at how closely his report mirrors what was said in the secret document that was not made public until 50 years later!

Only God’s messenger could give such a prophetic message over 50 years ago!

Think about what he said.

Think about what was determined at that secret meeting among top German industrialists.

Think about what Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt said right after the war: “It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism.”

Yes, think about those issues, and then consider what is happening now. Our leaders today keep acting as though Germany has repented. But the Germans continue in their militant, fascist spirit, in spite of the unparalleled crimes they have committed!

We have forgotten our strong commitment after World War ii to control Germany, and we will pay an indescribable price for that weak and despicable failure in leadership!

You don‘t prevent Germany from starting World War iii by helping them build their empire in Yugoslavia and Europe!

The spirit of that intelligence document is being implemented in Yugoslavia today—and also in other parts of the world. Germany‘s actions are not those of a people deeply repentant for the deaths of 60-70 million people in two world wars!

Remember, the Bible says our end-time “lovers” will be the ones who inflict great suffering upon us—not our obvious enemies. However, we like to think of ourselves as righteous, while we reject God’s warnings!

What Herbert Armstrong prophesied for over 50 years has now come to pass in frightening detail! The Philadelphia Church of God continues to proclaim the same message.

This is all prophesied in your Bible. But you don’t even need the Bible to see that terror is about to strike our peoples!

Once the U.S. released and then supported this fascist beast in Croatia and Slovenia, there was no stopping it. It didn’t cease until all of Yugoslavia was under its strong influence or control. Now if we think the beast will return to its cage, we are very naive. This world is headed for a nightmare unparalleled in the history of man. And the beast is going to lead us there!

The American and British peoples are without excuse. And so are you. Only God can save you from a disastrous future. Now is the time for every wise person to heed this message. There is so little time left to respond.

Kosovo was a turning point in the Yugoslavia war. After this state essentially came under German influence and control, the rest of Yugoslavia was certain to fall. When Germany’s oppressive influence moved beyond Croatia and Slovenia, the careful observer could see that Germany’s ambition was to control all of Yugoslavia.

But their ambition goes far beyond even that goal. •
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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:30   #23
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

German-led EU Conquers Former Yugoslavia
From the booklet The Rising Beast—Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans

by Gerald Flurry »
Copyright © Philadelphia Church of God

State by state, the country of Yugoslavia has been conquered. Even the name Yugoslavia is being discarded.

Most of this conquering was accomplished with U.S. military power. But it is Germany and the European Union that are taking control of the former Yugoslavia. And Germany is giving the U.S. no credit, though it does often blame America for many of the problems that have developed.

Former Yugoslavia is a part of the Balkans, or Balkan Peninsula, along with Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and European Turkey. The Balkan Peninsula is an extremely important strategic area.

The Adriatic Sea is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea. The German-led EU is also working hard to get control of the Mediterranean Sea—of even greater strategic importance.

Look at any map and you can see the strategic value. However, it seems only Germany fully realizes the significance of these areas. The Germans are willing to fight the whole world to gain control of them. It seems nobody has asked why these areas are so important to Germany!

Where is this leading?

The same spirit that caused Germany to start two world wars still prevails in that land! Soon the whole world will understand. Shocking as it may be, your Bible predicts that people by the multiple millions will once again suffer from Germany’s violent attacks, as the Germans lead Europe.

This major turnaround in the Balkans has caused Europe to look to Germany once again.

Notice what Sir Winston Churchill said, May 31, 1935: “Everywhere these countries are being made to look to Germany in a special way.”

And today all of Europe is looking to Germany in a special way. The outcome will be frighteningly similar to World War ii—except it will be about a thousand times worse!

It seems we have learned nothing from Germany’s history. Even terrifying events like World War ii taught us nothing—just as Winston Churchill warned the world in the 1930s that it had learned nothing from Germany’s history and World War i.

Here is what he said February 7, 1934: “Not one of the lessons of the past has been learned, not one of them has been applied, and the situation is incomparably more dangerous.”

And the situation today “is incomparably more dangerous,” with our weapons of mass destruction, than it was in World War ii!

When Germany starts World War iii, we will finally learn some lessons—but only after America, Britain and the little nation called Israel today have become victims.

We have been teaching this message for over 50 years.

The only way for our people to prevent this coming catastrophe is to repent of their evil ways. May God help us to hear the trumpet sounding.

EU Adopts Balkan States posted the following on January 10, 2003: “EU Commission [EC] President Romano Prodi promised today in Athens that all Balkan countries ‘can become members of the EU one day.’ Speaking after meeting the Greek prime minister and current holder of the EU presidency, Costas Simitis, he said the Balkan countries would not necessarily become members on the same day, as each of them would follow their own course and be judged on their own merits. ‘But in the long run, Balkans belong strictly to the EU,‘ he said.

“Bulgaria and Romania are already negotiating EU membership, while Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia and the former Republic of Yugoslavia—Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia—all are part of the Stabilization and Association Process (sap) with the EU. …

“Both for the EU Commission and the Greek presidency, future EU membership for all Balkan countries is a priority, Mr. Prodi said. He went on to add that an EU policy for the Mediterranean area was in the making. The Commission is drafting a letter to Mr. Simitis in Greece as well as the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, to make sure that the current Greek EU presidency and the following Italian EU presidency make the Mediterranean area a priority.”

Back in March 2000, Prodi stated, “Malta is the southern pillar of Europe …. I want to see Malta in the EU.” Trumpet journalists heard these words of the EC president with their own ears in Malta at conferences concerning the country’s future EU membership. Read those words again: “Malta is the southern pillar of Europe …. I want to see Malta in the EU.”

At the same conferences, Gunter Verheugen, European commissioner for enlargement, said if Malta joined the EU it would “become a gateway. … For Europe, Malta has been described as a springboard to the whole Mediterranean region, and especially to the African and Middle Eastern shores.”

What ambition! The EU is already planning to reach into the Mediterranean and Africa, and across to Cyprus and the Middle East. They have a dangerous global ambition. Such ambition is leading to unparalleled violence and terror in this world. But very few people seem to understand.

Yet again, the world is destined to see Islam pitched against Vatican-dominated Christianity in a “holy war,” with Jerusalem as the prize (Dan. 11:40). Cyprus could figure prominently in Europe’s battle for control of the strategic Middle East.

Why all this strategic interest? Because the German-led EU wants to rule the world!

If you think that is far-fetched, just look at the history of the bloody Holy Roman Empire. It has been the exact opposite of “holy.” And it has always had the goal of ruling the world!

Thankfully, this next resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will be the last.

Ten Nations

We are seeing a resurrection of the medieval Holy Roman Empire. Ten kings or presidents will combine into one world superpower. They will all give their power to the “beast” (Rev. 13 and 17).

Germany and the Vatican had to get control of the Balkan states to develop the eastern leg, or foot, of the Holy Roman Empire. This too was prophesied.

Notice what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in June 1956: “Perhaps even this coming military-political leader does not yet know how many, or precisely which, European nations will join in this United Nazi Fascist Europe. But you and I can know the number—for God Almighty wrote it down for us 1,900 years ago, in Revelation 17! There will be 10 dictatorships, exerting iron rule over 10 European nations. These 10 will give all their military power to the central over-all leader—pictured under the prophetic symbol, ‘the beast.’ …

“The strong indication of these prophecies, then, is that some of the Balkan nations are going to tear away from behind the Iron Curtain.”

Remember, that was written in 1956—nearly 50 years ago!

Are we too groggy to comprehend how dramatically Mr. Armstrong’s prophecy was fulfilled? Only God could have revealed to him the future fate of nations!

These prophecies have been and are being fulfilled before our eyes. Only the blind fail to see! We must awaken out of our sleep.

Here is what Mr. Armstrong wrote February 18, 1980: “There will now be an effort to bring Yugoslavia into the Holy Roman Empire alliance! There will be strong pressure from the Vatican, in view of the pope’s visit to his native Poland, to bring Poland into the new United States of Europe. [That is now happening!] If Yugoslavia and Poland go in, then expect at least Romania also to go in. [‘”Croatia definitely intends to become an EU member in its second enlargement wave,” penciled in for 2007 when Bulgaria and Romania also hope to join, Minister for European Integration Neven Mimica told afp‘ (Agence France Presse, Jan. 28, 2003).]

“You may be sure the West European leaders are conferring hurriedly and secretly about how and how soon they may unite and provide a united European military force so they can defend themselves! [That has already happened.] And so they will no longer have to give in meekly to Russia! And who will they blame for their humiliation and their necessity now to have a united Europe, with a united government, a common currency, and a common military force as great or greater than either the ussr or the U.S.? They will blame the United States! And when they are strong enough to assert themselves, they will first attack Britain for standing firm with the U.S., and then they will return a lot of hydrogen bombs the U.S. has stored now in Europe!

“So says Almighty God in His Word!

“They can unite only through the Vatican. It will be a church-state union. It won’t last long, but will create havoc unprecedented!”

How could Mr. Armstrong possibly have known these staggering events would unfold? Because of Bible prophecy!

What an astounding prophecy! It is being fulfilled in detail.

Never has anti-Americanism been stronger in Europe, and it is growing astronomically.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:32   #24
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

The EU now has 15 member nations, and it is still growing. But it will take the Vatican to unite them into one mind. Eventually, there will be 10 nations or kings, essentially Catholic, that form this frightening power. They will choose the “best” and reject the rest!

The map of the world’s future is laid out in striking precision.

On August 27, 1980, Mr. Armstrong wrote this comment in a member and co-worker letter: “Will Poland free itself from Soviet domination and join with Yugoslavia, Romania and possibly Czechoslovakia—and with Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Austria—in a resurrected medieval ‘Holy Roman Empire’ to dominate Europe and equal the ussr and the U.S. in world power?”

December 27, 1981, Mr. Armstrong wrote, “What the world does not realize is that, under cover, secret planning is proceeding furiously, uncovered by the news media, unknown by the public.

“But suddenly, unexpectedly, as biblical prophecy reveals, the whole world will be startled and shocked into wonder, to learn that a new third super world power has suddenly burst forth onto the world scene—a resurrection of the medieval Holy Roman Empire by a union of 10 nations in Europe—very possibly five in Western Europe, and five broken loose from the Communist orbit in Eastern Europe! The crisis in Poland is tremendously significant, and with it the fact that there is now a Polish pope!”

Mr. Armstrong knew well the meaning of the image described in Daniel 2, of a great statue with legs of iron and feet of iron mixed with clay. These legs represent the eastern and western legs of the Roman Empire. Mr. Armstrong had the two legs of Daniel’s image on his mind—or, more specifically, the two feet: the last resurrection of that empire.

Finally, here is a statement Mr. Armstrong wrote on May 20, 1982: “Now what will actually trigger the Great Tribulation? It will last approximately 31/2 years—right up to the real Second Coming of Christ with His eyes as flames of fire and His face shining as the sun full strength for all to see.

“Revelation 13 and 17, coupled with Daniel 2 and 7, say that a union of ten nations in the area of the old Roman Empire will plunge the world into the Great Tribulation! … The uprising against Soviet domination in Poland can easily lead to Poland, and such Eastern European nations as Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and even Greece, joining in a union with Roman Catholic nations in Western Europe. The Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church could join with the Roman Catholic. The 10 nations of Revelation 17 will be Catholic.”

How could Mr. Armstrong have prophesied these events so accurately? Because he had a deep understanding of Bible prophecy.

These prophecies should strike fear in the minds of our peoples! Soon these prophetic events will be fulfilled with a sledgehammer impact! Nothing can stop them, except repentance.

Are you ready for what lies ahead?

The Beast of Revelation

In Revelation 17:1-3, the angel says to John, “Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. … [A]nd I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” God says a wondrous beast shall arise which will affect all inhabitants of the Earth.

Continuing in verse 7: “And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.” God revealed to Mr. Armstrong, through these verses in Revelation 17 and other scriptures, a great political beast rising in Europe, which will be joined by a great European religious beast in an unholy alliance to conquer the world. Religion is going to emotionally stir the Europeans. And then a megalomaniac will come on the scene to stir up the people as only someone like Hitler could.

Verse 8 of Revelation 17 says, “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder … when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

The word translated “bottomless pit,” or abyss, in verse 8 actually means underground. That’s where the Nazis have been since before the end of World War ii.

The so-called Holy Roman Empire is going to rise to power one final time. Verses 9-12 read, “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen and one is”—that’s when Mr. Armstrong came on the scene and began to understand all of these prophecies—“and the other is not yet come”—but it is rising now—“and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

The Bible shows that Satan the devil is the real power behind European unity. “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon [Satan, see Rev. 12:9] gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Rev. 13:2). Satan knows he has little time left, and he is pushing political events and leaders in order for Europe to unify quickly.

“Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Rev. 12:12). The devil is using human emotion to achieve his ends. Even Satan must use something to unite people. A strong religion is often his best tool. Satan can use the ideals of the Holy Roman Empire to unite Europe. Europe thinks this will be for the world’s good. The Bible says otherwise.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:33   #25
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

This unholy union won’t last long, but “these have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:13). Their entire existence will revolve around doing what Satan commands them to do. And it will be dreadful! “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21).

In Revelation 18:3, God tells us more about this great satanic system called Babylon. “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.”

And this great religious power—this woman on the beast—what will she do with her power? Verses 12 and 13 say she will make merchandise of “slaves, and souls of men.”

The Vatican wrote this on January 12, 2003: “European Parliament head Pat Cox has invited Pope John Paul ii to address the assembly, to mark the pontiff’s key role in reuniting Europe, his spokesman said Sunday. The Irish head of the Strasbourg assembly hopes the visit will occur in the second half of this year, at a historic time for the European Union ahead of its enlargement next year.

“The spokesman said the hoped-for trip was not directly linked to the current debate on a future European constitution, which has been marked by fierce exchanges about references to religion. …

“His trip to the European Parliament would reflect his dual status as head of the Vatican State and as a ‘global spiritual leader.’”

Actually, there have been very few “fierce exchanges about references to religion.” Otherwise, why are they inviting the pope to speak in the European Parliament? And when religion is discussed, it is almost always the Catholic religion. That religion—and no other—is going to be a vital part of the EU constitution! The Vatican will guide the European Union. Bible prophecy makes that very clear (Rev. 13:11-15). Otherwise, it would not be the “Holy Roman Empire.”

The pope is addressing the European Parliament “to mark the pontiff’s key role in reuniting Europe.” And you can be certain that he will also guide Europe’s future!

The deadly, very bloody Holy Roman Empire is being resurrected! Let the world beware!

The Vatican’s impact globally has never been more intense. But it is about to become 100-fold greater!

The clouds are black and ominous, and the thunderbolts are about to come crashing down on our heads!

Jeremiah spoke of a “seething pot” (Jer. 1:13). That pot is seething violently in Europe right now. And it’s about to boil over. Anti-Americanism is raging. Satan knows he has only a short time left, and his wrath is the worst ever! (Rev. 12:12). We should already feel the heat from this fiery, seething pot!

People could see, and even feel, the seething if they only understood a little history. But they refuse to be taught by history—even quite recent history!

Time is the supreme factor in every event. There are only a few short years before the pot boils over. We should ratchet up our lives to the emergency level. We can no longer afford to squander time.

Our “indulgent press” (Winston Churchill’s words) leaves many of our people confused, because its writings are so vague and lacking in facts. Too often they report “smooth things” (Isa. 30:10) and call the truth “alarmist.” But we are going to have to lay aside the easy, pleasurable way if we heed God’s warning.

God’s curse is upon our peoples, and it will intensify until we repent. We hold the key to how intensely we are punished.

Is your life geared to the “last hour” of this supreme crisis at the close?

In the mid-1930s, Winston Churchill warned his people, “Something quite extraordinary is afoot. All the signals are set for danger. The red lights flash through the gloom.” He was concerned “that Europe, and indeed the world, may be rescued from the catastrophe with which the future is loaded.”

Our crisis-laden future will be at least a thousand times worse than what Churchill faced. We face the worst suffering ever in man’s history—mega-death! There will be unburied piles of dead bodies around the Earth.

Is this what it will take to revive us from the coma we are in now?

Churchill and Germany

In his biography of Winston Churchill, William Manchester wrote: “The Germans, after all, had been belligerent for 2,000 years; British public school boys were taught that ‘Civilization stops at the Rhine and the Danube, the frontiers of the Roman Empire,’ or, as Winston put it, ‘A Hun alive is a war in prospect.’ In the past 70 years Germany had writ her name large on battlefields ….”

If you understand Bible history and prophecy, you know the Germans have indeed “been belligerent for 2,000 years”—and throughout their history!

The Bible states that Germany has a warmongering heart, when they are militarily strong (Isa. 10:5-7). Assyria is the ancient name of Germany (for more information, write for our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire).

Churchill emphasized this problem before World War ii. He said, “Nothing but a change of the German heart can avert another catastrophe,” and that was “unlikely to come from within, for the true German nature has never changed“! (ibid.). The Germans are a great people, but they have been victims of a cruel system. Their nature has been nurtured by the Holy Roman Empire, which has been directly led by the most evil being in the universe!

Manchester also wrote, “By the early 1930s, however, the strongest emotion aroused in Germany’s neighbors was primitive terror. The Germans knew it; they had deliberately provoked it in two wars, and had even given it a name, Schrecklichkeit (frightfulness). The 19th-century Prussian strategist Karl von Clausewitz had encouraged it as a means of shortening wars by putting the enemy ‘in a situation in which continuing the war is more oppressive to him than surrender.’ Teutonic troops, armed and dangerous, were frightful. They had practiced Schrecklichkeit in 1914, when bands of French and Belgian guerrillas defending their own soil had led to German executions of civilians, hostages and prisoners of war. ‘Suddenly,’ Barbara Tuchman writes, ‘the world became aware of the beast beneath the German skin.‘ [And the worst aspects of that ‘beast’ are to be manifested in the imminent future!]

“In the 1920s and 1930s, accounts of these crimes were suppressed by pacifists in das Ausland, that revealing German term which welded all nations outside the Reich into a single collective noun. The new line was that all tales of German atrocities in the Great War had been Allied propaganda. But Belgians who had treated their invaders with disrespect had in fact been led before firing squads as early as the second day of the war. German records proved it. If Belgian refugees slowed the German advance, hostages were picked at random and killed. One can find their gravestones today, inscribed ‘1914: Fusill� par les Allemands’—‘Shot by the Germans’” (ibid.).

Meekly caving in to—or empowering—Germany today is leading to a far worse disaster than Hitler and World War ii!

A militarily powerful Germany loves to frighten other nations. Repeatedly it has become what the Bible calls a “beast.” And it is the beast of all beasts!

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:34   #26
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

How long will it take the world to learn what Winston Churchill knew so deeply? He taught us that lesson so effectively before and during World War ii. But we have refused to learn. Now the most terrifying events ever must engulf us—because of our sins.

America the Target

In 2000, Germany gave then-U.S. President Bill Clinton the Charlemagne Prize. Yet Charlemagne waded through blood to conquer Europe (as Bismarck and Hitler did)! We can see why President Clinton was given such honor by the Germans. When Mr. Clinton was president, he knowingly empowered Germany to become the greatest political force in Europe. That criminal act will prove to be America’s worst foreign-policy disaster ever!

This is a strange paradox. The U.S. is giving Germany control of the very nations that Hitler fought a bloody war attempting to conquer!

Notice these startling media reports:

“Europe has begun a Balkans offensive. At the end of June, the European Union plans to take the reins of the peacekeeping mission in Macedonia from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Around the turn of the year, responsibility for the international police force in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to pass from the United Nations to the EU. Europeans hold the top posts in the interim UN_administration in Kosovo, and the kfor peacekeeping is increasingly becoming a European operation. Moreover, the EU, in the person of Javier Solana, its high representative for foreign and security policy, has taken over sponsorship of the Balkans’ latest political entity, Serbia and Montenegro” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 19, 2002).

“Nato is making a big push for the Europeans to take over the alliance’s military operations in Macedonia by March and in Bosnia early next year as the U.S. continues its steady withdrawal from the Balkans and the Europeans assume full responsibility for the region” (Financial Times, London, Jan. 11, 2003).

“In addition to the significant amounts of EU aid these countries receive, all five (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) benefit from generous trade preferences. Since December 2000, the vast majority of products from southeast Europe have enjoyed duty-free and unlimited access to EU markets—these arrangements are even more generous than those enjoyed by the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe” (

“The western Balkans have always been a turbulent area, and that tradition certainly continued over the last decade, when wars and conflicts scarred the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. The cluster of little states that emerged from the wreckage now often looks to the European Union as a guarantor of future prosperity and stability, as do its neighbors” (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Jan. 7, 2003).

“… Brussels will have no choice but to take over the Balkan peacekeeping mission for its own practical security and as a proving ground for EU military ambitions. …

“With more pressing concerns in other parts of the world, the United States—and nato by extension—is seeking to disengage permanently from the Balkans. … That puts the onus on Europe to take full responsibility for its fragile southern flank” (, April 29, 2002).

“With the United States committed to disengaging from the Balkans, Germany will emerge as the dominant power in there and, by extension, in European defense policy. …

“The current struggle for influence over the region is rooted in history. Germany has always been closer to Croatia and Slovenia, and former Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s early recognition of their break from Yugoslavia helped to precipitate the Balkan wars of the 1990s. …

“Germany is seeking to reassert itself at the center of Europe, and the Balkans play a big part in that strategy. It is an area where Germany can expand its military reach without frightening either itself or its neighbors. Berlin also would like to build on its ties with Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Bulgaria to pull both southern and Eastern Europe under its wing as the EU expands” (, March 6, 2002).

All of these journalists see that Germany is leading the EU. Now the Germans have an area (former Yugoslavia) to test and build their military—relatively unnoticed by the world! At the same time, the second leg, or foot (Eastern Europe), of the empire is developing.

However, it gets even more troubling. Notice this revealing quote: “Berlin Plus [an agreement between nato and the EU] gives the Europeans access to nato planning and assets for missions that they want to carry out independently of nato, provided that nato does not want to take the lead in the first place” (Financial Times, London, Dec. 17, 2002).

That means that the EU uses “nato planning and assets”—mostly U.S.—to build this Frankenstein monster. And the monster is already turning against its primary builder—America!

It is leading to the worst world war ever. And America, the world’s number-one superpower, is going to be the number-one target! Our military power has beaten the Germans in two world wars. Germany plans to obliterate us first in the next war.

World War iii will outstrip any destruction mankind can even imagine, by many times over! Now is the time to wake up.

Doting on Her Lovers

In Ezekiel 23:12, God condemns Israel—primarily America and Britain—for doting on the Assyrians, or Germans. Verse 17 says the mind of Israel is “alienated” from the Chaldeans, or the German-led Holy Roman Empire. The recent history of the two world wars show you our minds are indeed “alienated” from Germany. God condemns Israel for making the Germans our lovers and not trusting Him. Unless we wake up, the Holy Roman Empire will betray us and fight against us! Then we shall know very deeply what God thinks about our “lovers”!

After an open-skies treaty, the Germans are now making surveillance flights over the United States. Also, all of our nuclear weaponry is now controlled from Washington d.c. There are no more submarines with independent authority to launch nuclear missiles. America and Britain are becoming dangerously vulnerable to their lovers, who will soon betray them!

“And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours …. Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted” (Ezek. 23:5, 9). This is a specific prophecy aimed at Israel—the American and British peoples in this end time! “And they shall recompense your lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your idols: and ye shall know that I am the Lord God” (v. 49).

In spite of this colossal tragedy, there is still good news. This towering crisis will bring our nations to repentance. Then they will really get to know the great God! Most of our peoples only think they know God today. What a shame that it takes such a terrifying crisis to awaken our peoples. But it doesn’t have to be that way, if they would heed this message.

God’s Protection

“Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired [God’s faithful people]; Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lord’s anger come upon you. Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger” (Zeph. 2:1-3). God is saying that if His people are loyal to what they have learned from Him, they can be hidden from the horrors that are soon to come upon this Earth!

What is the key to being protected? We must seek God before the Tribulation strikes. That is the formula for escape: Seek God now! “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isa. 55:6-7).

What has happened in former Yugoslavia over the past decade is a major sign of how close Germany is to achieving its worldwide ambition.

The history of Germany reveals where the events in Europe today are leading. More importantly, God’s prophecies give us a preview of what is about to occur in Europe—and how it will affect the whole world. What can you do before it is too late? Seek God while He may be found.

Any political or economic crisis could strongly unite the 10 nations very quickly. The final prophesied version of the Holy Roman Empire could be here in a few short years—or even months. Watch Germany. As Germany goes, so goes the European Union.

But look at the good news—the best news we could ever receive!

This evil and profoundly deceitful political, 10-nation superpower will attempt to fight the returning Jesus Christ!

Of course, Christ and His army will win. They will usher in a new civilization that will last forever. There will be peace, joy and abundance forever.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:36   #27
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

This is the most important news we could ever hear!

Sidebar: The Shocking Document

Proof that during wwii, Nazi leaders and top German industrialists planned to rebuild the Nazi empire

Enclosure No. 1 to despatch No. 19,489 of Nov. 27, 1944, from the Embassy at London, England.



Office of Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2

7 November 1944


SUBJECT: Plans of German industrialists to engage in underground activity after Germany’s defeat; flow of capital to neutral countries.

SOURCE: Agent of French Deuxieme Bureau, recommended by Commandant Zindel. This agent is regarded as reliable and has worked for the French on German problems since 1916. He was in close contact with the Germans, particularly industrialists, during the occupation of France and he visited Germany as late as August, 1944.

1. A meeting of the principal German industrialists with interests in France was held on August 10, 1944, in the Hotel Rotes Haus in Strasbourg, France, and attended by the informant indicated above as the source. Among those present were the following:

Dr. Scheid, who presided, holding the rank of S.S. Obergruppen-fuhrer and Director of the Heche (Hermandorff & Schonburg) Company

Dr. Kaspar, representing Krupp

Dr. Tolle, representing Rochling

Dr. Sinderen, representing Messerschmitt

Drs. Kopp, Vier and Beerwanger, representing Rheinmetall

Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe, representing Bussing

Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos, representing Volkswagenwerk

Engineers Drose, Yanchew and Koppshem, representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew and Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke)

Captain Dornbuach, head of the Industrial Inspection Section at Posen

Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris

Dr. Strossner, of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.

2. Dr. Scheid stated that all industrial material in France was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. The battle of France was lost for Germany and now the defense of the Siegried Line was the main problem. From now on also German industry must realize that the war cannot be won and that it must take steps in preparation for a post-war commercial campaign. Each industrialist must make contacts and alliances with foreign firms, but this must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. Moreover, the ground would have to be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign countries after the war. As examples of the kind of penetration which had been most useful in the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp company of Germany jointly and that the U.S. Steel Corporation, Carnegie Illinois, American Steel and Wire, and national Tube, etc. were thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern. He also cited the Zeiss Company, the Leisa Company and the Hamburg-American Line as firms which had been especially effective in protecting German interests abroad and gave their New York addresses to the industrialists at this meeting.

3. Following this meeting a smaller one was held presided over by Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry and attended only by representatives of Hecho, Krupp and Rochling. At this second meeting it was stated that the Nazi Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically lost but that it would continue until a guarantee of the unity of Germany could be obtained. German industrialists must, it was said, through their exports increase the strength of Germany. They must also prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground as Maquis (in Gebirgaverteidi-gungastellen gehen). From now on the government would allocate large sums to industrialists so that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the Party so that a strong German Empire can be created after the defeat. It is also immediately required that the large factories in Germany create small technical offices or research bureaus which would be absolutely independent and have no known connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of new weapons as well as documents which they need to continue their research and which must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy. These offices are to be established in large cities where they can be most successfully hidden as well as in little villages near sources of hydro-electric power where they can pretend to be studying the development of water resources. The existence of these is to be known only by very few people in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each office will have a liaison agent with the Party. As soon as the Party becomes strong enough to re-establish its control over Germany the industrialists will be paid for their effort and cooperation by concessions and orders.

4. These meetings seem to indicate that the prohibition against the export of capital which was rigorously enforced until now has been completely withdrawn and replaced by a new Nazi policy whereby industrialists with government assistance will export as much of their capital as possible. Previously exports of capital by German industrialists to neutral countries had to be accomplished rather surreptitiously and by means of special influence. Now the Nazi party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to save themselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same time to advance the Party’s plans for its post-war operation. This freedom given to the industrialists further coments their relations with the Party by giving them a measure of protection.

5. The German industrialists are not only buying agricultural property in Germany but are placing their funds abroad, particularly in neutral countries. Two main banks through which this export of capital operates are the Basler Handelsbank and the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich. Also there are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a five per cent commission buy property in Switzerland, using a Swiss cloak.

6. After the defeat of Germany and the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members in positions with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.

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Vjetėr 27-12-07, 22:37   #28
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

For the A.C. of S., G-2.


G-2, Economic Section

Prepared by



Same as EW-Pa 1,

U.S. Political Adviser, SHAEF

British Political Adviser, SHAEF

Sidebar: Ahead of His Time

Excerpts from a radio broadcast given May 9, 1945: Herbert Armstrong warned of Germany’s post-war rise.

The war is over, in Europe—or is it? We need to wake up and realize that right now is the most dangerous moment in United States national history, instead of assuming we now have peace!

Men plan, here, to preserve the peace of the world. What most do not know is that the Germans have their plans for winning the battle of the peace. Yes, I said battle of the peace. That’s a kind of battle we Americans don’t know. We know only one kind of war. We have never lost a war—that is, a military war; but we have never won a conference, where leaders of other nations outfox us in the battle for the peace.

We don’t understand German thoroughness. From the very start of World War ii, they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the first—and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round—World War iii! Hitler has lost. This round of war, in Europe, is over. And the Nazis have now gone underground. In France and Norway they learned how effectively an organized underground can hamper occupation and control of a country. Paris was liberated by the French underground—and Allied armies. Now a Nazi underground is methodically planned. They plan to come back and to win on the third try.

The Bible foretells that third round—and it spells doom for us, as God’s punishment, because we, as a nation, have forsaken Him and His ways! The third round is termed, in prophecy, an invasion by ‘babylon’—a resurrected Roman Empire—a European Union. I have been proclaiming that since 1927….

Even at this conference, classes and races are demanding their ‘rights.’ This conference, and the United Nations Organization it is forming, must solve three problems to succeed. First, Big Three unity; second, the serious problem of what to do with Germany to prevent World War iii; and third, solve the world’s injustices against smaller nations, and the growth and tactics of Communism toward world domination. Can it succeed?

Sidebar: A Nice Gift From the U.S.

Under the umbrella of nato, Germany has in recent years obtained complete acceptance by the West of the deployment of both its ground and air forces in combat roles. Not only that, the Kosovo conflict is gaining for Germany that which it has sought all along in the Balkans: a warm-water port.

Durr�s, the principle port on the coast of Albania in the warm Adriatic Sea, is the plum. The port of Durr�s, located near the junction of the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas, is within closest proximity of any port in either sea to the largest concentration of ballistic and anti-ballistic weaponry in the entire Mediterranean region. The German-dominated EU is spending $17 million to renovate this port as it busily reconstructs Albania’s infrastructure.

Albania became the main base of operations for the peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia during the Kosovo war. The trade-off was the huge benefit to its weakened ex-Maoist economy. As the U.S. and nato withdraw from the Balkans, their place is being taken by the emerging Euroforce. The German-led EU will eventually take over all of the infrastructure put in place and maintained to that point largely by U.S. and British taxpayers’ money in support of their defense contribution to lame-duck nato.

In the Balkan Peninsula, it will then be game, set and match to Germany. Germany—the peace-broker in Kosovo, the future administrator of Kosovo and of the whole Balkan Peninsula—the lead nation in the Eurocombine shortly to rule the European continent and extend its powerful reach globally to impact all nations. •
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Vjetėr 01-01-08, 17:47   #29
Anėtarėsuar: 20-10-03
Postime: 1,152
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės


Kosova duket se do tė ecė drejt pavarėsisė nėn udhėheqjen e njė koalicioni tė gjerė qeverisės, pas zgjedhjeve tė sė shtunės tė cilat u karakterizuan me apatinė e votuesve shqiptarė dhe bojkotin e votuesve serbė. Kėshtu shkruan nė numrin e sotėm e pėrditshmja “Independent”, duke rikujtuar rezultatet preliminare, nė bazė tė tė cilave Partia Demokratike e Hashim Thaēit ėshtė rradhitur e para.
Nė Kosovė, investime tė mėdha nuk kanė ndodhur qė prej pėrfundimit tė luftės mė 1999, papunėsia ėshtė nė nivelin prej 50 pėr qind dhe qytetarėt pėrballen me reduktime rryme dhe uji nė baza ditore. Janė kėto ēėshtje me tė cilat duhet tė merret zoti Thaēi, pėrveē ldershipit tė tij nė rrugėn drejt pavarėsisė.
E njejta gazetė, “Independent”, nė njė shkrim editorial, shkruan se fitorja e qartė nė zgjedhjet e pėrgjithshme tė sė shtunės duket se i takon Partisė Demokratike tė Hashim Thaēit, partia e tė cilit ka qenė mė e zėshmja nė pritje tė pavarėsisė sė plotė pėr Kosovėn. Independent, duke thėnė se pjesėmarrja nė votime ka qenė mė e ulta deri mė tash dhe kjo tregon se madje edhe votuesit nga rradhėt e shumicės shqiptare tani janė tė frustruar dhe cinikė nė raport me procesin politik.
Nė kuadėr tė ofertės politike, Hashim Thaēi ėshtė zotuar se do ta shpallė pavarėsinė formale nga Serbia pasi tė ketė skaduar afati pėr arritjen e njė marrėveshjeje mė 10 dhjetor. Por, shkruan “Independent”, njė deklaratė e njėanshme e kėtij lloji ėshtė rezultat i asaj tė cilėn Kombet e Bashkuara, Bashkimi Evropian, qeveria Serbe dhe mbėshtetėsit e saj rusė, kanė bėrė pėrpjekje maksimale pėr ta shmangur. Rruga drejt pavarėsisė sė Kosovės nuk ėshtė menduar asnjėherė se do tė jetė e lehtė. Pėrderisa fuqitė perėndimore nuk tregojnė njė vėmendje mė tė madhe mbi rreziqet aktuale, Kosova rrezikon tė shndėrrohet nė njė vend nė tė cilin do tė jemi tė pėrfshirė mė shumė se c’duhet, shkruan nė fund “Independent”.
E pėrditshmja tjetėr, “Financial Times”, shkruan se zoti Thaēi, megjithatė mbetet i pėrkushtuar nė arritjen e njė shtetėsie tė njohur ndėrkombėtarisht nėpėrmjet bashkėpunimit me Perėndimin dhe jo nėpėrmjet veprimeve tė pėrshpejtuara qė do tė mund t’i thellonin problemet ekonomike nė Kosovė. Megjithė faktin se shqiptarėt synojnė pavarėsinė, pjesėmarrja e ulėt nė votime, ėshtė tregues i zhgėnjimit me partitė politike, nė njė vend ku papunėsia arrin nė 50 pėrqind, shkruan “Financial Times”.
fadil Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 01-01-08, 18:19   #30
Guri i madh
Kafir Arrnaut
Avatari i Guri i madh
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Gabim Titulli: Shtypi i huaj rreth Kosovės

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga fadil

Kosova duket se do tė ecė drejt pavarėsisė nėn udhėheqjen e njė koalicioni tė gjerė qeverisės, pas zgjedhjeve tė sė shtunės tė cilat u karakterizuan me apatinė e votuesve shqiptarė dhe bojkotin e votuesve serbė. Kėshtu shkruan nė numrin e sotėm e pėrditshmja “Independent”, duke rikujtuar rezultatet preliminare, nė bazė tė tė cilave Partia Demokratike e Hashim Thaēit ėshtė rradhitur e para.
Nė Kosovė, investime tė mėdha nuk kanė ndodhur qė prej pėrfundimit tė luftės mė 1999, papunėsia ėshtė nė nivelin prej 50 pėr qind dhe qytetarėt pėrballen me reduktime rryme dhe uji nė baza ditore. Janė kėto ēėshtje me tė cilat duhet tė merret zoti Thaēi, pėrveē ldershipit tė tij nė rrugėn drejt pavarėsisė.
E njejta gazetė, “Independent”, nė njė shkrim editorial, shkruan se fitorja e qartė nė zgjedhjet e pėrgjithshme tė sė shtunės duket se i takon Partisė Demokratike tė Hashim Thaēit, partia e tė cilit ka qenė mė e zėshmja nė pritje tė pavarėsisė sė plotė pėr Kosovėn. Independent, duke thėnė se pjesėmarrja nė votime ka qenė mė e ulta deri mė tash dhe kjo tregon se madje edhe votuesit nga rradhėt e shumicės shqiptare tani janė tė frustruar dhe cinikė nė raport me procesin politik.
Nė kuadėr tė ofertės politike, Hashim Thaēi ėshtė zotuar se do ta shpallė pavarėsinė formale nga Serbia pasi tė ketė skaduar afati pėr arritjen e njė marrėveshjeje mė 10 dhjetor. Por, shkruan “Independent”, njė deklaratė e njėanshme e kėtij lloji ėshtė rezultat i asaj tė cilėn Kombet e Bashkuara, Bashkimi Evropian, qeveria Serbe dhe mbėshtetėsit e saj rusė, kanė bėrė pėrpjekje maksimale pėr ta shmangur. Rruga drejt pavarėsisė sė Kosovės nuk ėshtė menduar asnjėherė se do tė jetė e lehtė. Pėrderisa fuqitė perėndimore nuk tregojnė njė vėmendje mė tė madhe mbi rreziqet aktuale, Kosova rrezikon tė shndėrrohet nė njė vend nė tė cilin do tė jemi tė pėrfshirė mė shumė se c’duhet, shkruan nė fund “Independent”.
E pėrditshmja tjetėr, “Financial Times”, shkruan se zoti Thaēi, megjithatė mbetet i pėrkushtuar nė arritjen e njė shtetėsie tė njohur ndėrkombėtarisht nėpėrmjet bashkėpunimit me Perėndimin dhe jo nėpėrmjet veprimeve tė pėrshpejtuara qė do tė mund t’i thellonin problemet ekonomike nė Kosovė. Megjithė faktin se shqiptarėt synojnė pavarėsinė, pjesėmarrja e ulėt nė votime, ėshtė tregues i zhgėnjimit me partitė politike, nė njė vend ku papunėsia arrin nė 50 pėrqind, shkruan “Financial Times”.

me sa mė kujtohet i ndjeri DR RUGOVA thoshte se vetem duhet te behet shpallja formale e pamvarsis po at,here kta kmeret e kuq e kritikojshin e tash po thojn shpallje formale hiq nuk po muj me i kuptue

Kosoven nuk e pret rreziku nga Serrbija po te mos e kishte PDKen e SHIKun e pikrishit Hashim thaqin
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