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Muzika Degjojme,kendojme ,kercejme ... :-)

Funksionet e Temės Shfaq Modėt
Vjetėr 09-04-05, 11:04   #151
Avatari i Gjumashja
Anėtarėsuar: 15-10-04
Vendndodhja: n'krevet
Postime: 24,044
Gjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėm

Right Here Waiting
Richard Marx

Oceans apart day after day
& i slowly go insame
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If i see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or help my heat breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted all the time
That i thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter
I taste the tears
But i can't get near you now

Oh can't you see it baby
You got me going crazy

(repeat chorus)

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if i'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh can't you see it baby
You got me going crazy
the rest is silence
Gjumashja Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 10-04-05, 21:17   #152
Anėtarėsuar: 09-01-05
Postime: 73
NobodysFool e ka pezulluar reputacionin

Artist: Marshall Tucker Band Lyrics
Song: Can't You See Lyrics

I'm gonna take a freight train, down at the station
I don't care where it goes
Gonna climb me a mountain, the highest mountain, Lord,
Gonna jump off, nobody gonna know
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman, she been doin' to me
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman been doin' to me
I'm gonna find me a hole in the wall, gona crawl inside and die
That lady, mean ol' woman Lord, done told me goodbye
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman she been doin' to me
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman been doin' to me
Gonna buy me a ticket now, as far as I can, ain't never comin' back
Take me Southbound, all the way to Georgia now, till the train run out of track
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman, she been doin' to me
Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman been doin' to me
NobodysFool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 11-04-05, 03:34   #153
Anėtarėsuar: 07-10-04
Vendndodhja: Germany/München
Postime: 104
Bronx e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė  AIM tek Bronx Dėrgo mesazh me anė tė MSN tek Bronx

Kjo kenge esht kenduar ne english por esht perkthiar ne gjermanischt. Text shume me pelqen.

Zwischen trostlosen Häuserfassaden,
bin ich umgeben, von bekannten Gesichter!
blass und verbraucht, mit eingebranntem Lächeln.
Immer pünktlich am Start für den täglichen Trott.
Aber sie treten auf der Stelle - kommen nicht vom Fleck,
und Tränen der Enttäuschung darüber trüben ihren ausdruckslosen Blick.

Resigniert ziehe ich den Kopf ein und möchte meine Sorgen ertränken.
Keine Aussicht auf eine bessere Zukunft!

Traurig und komisch zugleich: Die Träume, in denen ich sterbe,
sind die besten, die ich jemals hatte.
Aber dir davon zu erzählen, fällt mir schwer.

Die Gewissheit, dass die Menschen, trotz aller Mühe,
doch nur im Kreis laufen, ist schwer zu ertragen.
Eine ziemlich verrückte Welt!

Sehnsüchtig erwarten die Kinder den Tag, an dem sie sich wohlfühlen können...
Zu früh gefreut! Daraus wird nie was!

Versetz dich in ihre Situation!
Setz dich hin und hör einfach zu!

Als ich in die Schule kam, war ich sehr aufgeregt!
Niemand da, der mich kannte!

Hallo, Lehrer, was steht auf dem Stundenplan?
Keine Antwort!
Du schaust durch mich hindurch, als wäre ich Luft!
Im Stillen denke ich: Irgendwie komisch und traurig zugleich!
Eine verrückte Welt!

Lern deine Lektion!
Und versuche Deinen Horizont zu erweitern
Statt zu klagen, daß wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dafür dankbar sein, daß wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
Bronx Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 11-04-05, 08:57   #154
Avatari i Gjumashja
Anėtarėsuar: 15-10-04
Vendndodhja: n'krevet
Postime: 24,044
Gjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėm

Let Me Go :arrow: 3DOORS DOWN

One more kiss could be the best thing
But one more lie could be the worst
And all these thoughts are never resting
And you're not something I deserve

In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
And this seems real to me

You love me but you dont know who I am
I'm tore between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you dont know who I am
So let me go
Let me go

I dream ahead to what I hope for
And I turn my back on loving you
How can this love be a good thing
not know what I'm goin through

In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
And this seems real to me

You love me but you dont know who I am
I'm tore between this life I lead and where I stand
You love me but you dont know who I am
So let me go
Just Let me goo...
Let me go

And no matter how hard I try
I can't escape these things inside I know
I knowww..
When all the pieces fall apart
You will be the only one who knows
Who knows

You love me but you dont know who I am
I'm tore between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you dont know Who I am
So let me go
Just let me go

and you me but you dont
you love me but you dont
you love me but you dont know who I am
and you love me but you dont
you love me but you dont
you love me but you dont know me
the rest is silence
Gjumashja Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 11-04-05, 19:30   #155
Avatari i DEA
Anėtarėsuar: 29-04-04
Vendndodhja: Baden Württemberg
Postime: 14,745
DEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėmDEA i pazėvėndėsueshėm

-Une jam ooooooo Sheherli,
rri me gra ooo e rri me fmi,
hiq s`merzitna o per burrni,
dal shetiti o neper qarshi,
shyqyr sjam une o katundar,
me u livdu o se jam i pare, o bajraktare :lol:

Unee jam o katundar,
besa bese o edhe krenar,
burre ne ode e puntore ne are,
srri me gra une e as me fmi,
rri kembekryq o ne ode me dai :lol:

Unee jam o sheherli,
naten rri o e diten fli,
haj jemeqe o turli, turli,
veshe e mathe sikur zotni,
hiq s`mendoj o une per burrni,
katunari o keto pune i di :lol:

Une jam o katunare,
katunare o burre konaku,
qe keshtu o mue ma mbane oxhaku,
une gruen kurre se ngoj,
qka te flas une o edhe i mbaj,
sheherli sjam o petullan,
shka i thote gruaja qyqyni e ngon, oooo qyqani e ngon eeeeeeeeee :lol:

Sheherli jam dhe e kam marakun,
jo spritoj me e zgidhe lulakun,
pa ize te grues jo se shkeli pragun,
une gruen o fort e ngoj,
katunare une sjam o menemadhe o menemadhe o heeeeej :lol:

Katunare jam edhe vdes,
punet e liga o i kam ves,
shka e flas o edhe e boj,
punet e mija o vet i pleqnoj,
sheherlis o qka me i thane,
s`eshte per borgje qyqja e as per dorzone o heeej :lol:

Me na fal ore vllazni,
u mahitem na te dy,
dashtem pak o me u shti me kesh,
se ne ket jete o ngushtohem shpesh,
me fol ndrejt o pa mahi,
sot si ne sheher o si ne katun e ki, o si ne katun e ki o heeeeeeeejjj :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Te medhenjet

Hashim Shala&Tahir Drenica
Prį, mallkue njaj bir Shqyptari, Qi ketė gjuhė tė Perendķs, Trashigim, qi na la i Pari, Trashigim s'i a lźn ai fmķs; Edhč atij i u thaftė, po, goja, Qi e perbuzė ketė gjuhė hyjnore; Qi n'gjuhė t'huej, kśr s'āsht nevoja, Flet e t'veten lźn mbas dore.
DEA Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 16-04-05, 15:20   #156
Avatari i Arb
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-04
Vendndodhja: Little Dardania, NEW YORK
Postime: 11,439
Arb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėm

Ti me je… :arrow: Sabri Fejzullahu

Ishte I bukur jo dite,
Kur u pame, e dashurum,
Te shendrisnin, ata sy,
Ata syte e tu te shkum,

Ti me ben te jem I ri,
Ti me ben te kem fuqi,
Ti ke emrin, lumturi,
E gjithe bota le ta dij.

Ti me je, si nje pranvere,
Ne cdo stine per mua cel,
Ti me je, margaritar,
A sa shume, me ben krenar.

Ti me je, bote e tere,
Me je yll, e me je hene,
Ti me je ar, e flori,
Me je drite e syve te mi.

Ishte I bukur ai cast,
Kur te pashe, e u beme ne bashke,
Qe ate dite, ne syte e mi,
Nuk ka lot, por dashuri.

Ti me ben te jem I ri,
Ti me ben te kem fuqi,
Ti ke emrin, lumturi,
E gjithe bota le ta dij.

Ti me je, si nje pranvere,
Ne cdo stine per mua cel,
Ti me je, margaritar,
A sa shume, me ben krenar.

Arb Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 16-04-05, 15:24   #157
Avatari i Arb
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-04
Vendndodhja: Little Dardania, NEW YORK
Postime: 11,439
Arb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėmArb i pazėvėndėsueshėm

"Jeho Rrafsh I Dukagjinit" - Zeqe Kuci

Kenge e Zjarr, O po degjohet, O hej!
Bjeshket tona O mbush me mall, ani O hej,
Oj lahuta e malsorit plak.

Neper kodra, po ushton, O hej!
Zeri yt, O me ndezi flake,
Neper shkrepa, po ushton, ani O hej!

Jehon Rrafsh i Dukagjinit,
Nga Lahuta, n'Bjeshke t'Rugoves,
Dhe perkdhel, Valen e Drinit,
Zeri yt, O Malli I Kosoves, o hej!

Zeri yt, O jehon si gurra, O hej!
Kenga jone eshte vaj per Burra, O hej!
Thuja kanges, O Malsor,
Le te shkrihen, malet me bore, ani O hej!
Kengen bashke, o gjithmone ta knojme,
T'paret tone, O mos ti harrojme, ani O hej!

Jehon Rrafsh i Dukagjinit,
Nga Lahuta, n'Bjeshke t'Rugoves,
Dhe perkdhel, Valen e Drinit,
Zeri yt, O Malli I Kosoves, o hej!
Arb Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 18-04-05, 13:20   #158
Avatari i dr1ta
Anėtarėsuar: 31-08-04
Vendndodhja: Ne veri
Postime: 5,125
dr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėm

Uh huh
So seductive

[Chorus: 50 Cent & Olivia]
[50 Cent]
I take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)
I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

[Verse 1: 50 Cent]
You can have it your way, how do you want it
You gon' back that thing up or should i push up on it
Temperature rising, okay lets go to the next level
Dance floor jam packed, hot as a teakettle
I'll break it down for you now, baby it's simple
If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho
In the hotel or in the back of the rental
On the beach or in the park, it's whatever you into
Got the magic stick, I'm the love doctor
Have your friends teasin you 'bout how sprung I gotcha
Wanna show me how you work it baby, no problem
Get on top then get to bouncing round like a low rider
I'm a seasons vet when it come to this shit
After you broke up a sweat you can play with the stick
I'm tryin to explain baby the best way I can
I melt in your mouth girl, not in your hands (ha ha)


[Bridge: 50 Cent & Olivia]
Girl what we do (what we do)
And where we do (and where we do)
The things we do (things we do)
Are just between me and you (oh yeah)

[Verse 2: 50 Cent]
Give it to me baby, nice and slow
Climb on top, ride like you in the rodeo
You ain't never heard a sound like this before
Cause I ain't never put it down like this
Soon as I come through the door she get to pullin on my zipper
It's like it's a race who can get undressed quicker
Isn't it ironic how erotic it is to watch em in thongs
Had me thinking 'bout that ass after I'm gone
I touch the right spot at the right time
Lights on or lights off, she like it from behind
So seductive, you should see the way she wind
Her hips in slow-mo on the floor when we grind
As Long as she ain't stoppin, homie I aint stoppin
Drippin wet with sweat man its on and popping
All my champagne campaign, bottle after bottle its on
And we gon' sip til every bubble in the bottle is gone
dr1ta Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 19-04-05, 12:23   #159
Avatari i dr1ta
Anėtarėsuar: 31-08-04
Vendndodhja: Ne veri
Postime: 5,125
dr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėmdr1ta i pazėvėndėsueshėm

west side family ---mesazhi

Per momentin nuk ndodhem ne shtepi
ju lutem lini mesazhin tuaj, pas sinjalit

Zgjohem ne mengjes me afshin tend
gjysma vehtes time me mungon
s'dua ta pranoj por e pranoj
nuk jam, nuk je, nuk egzistojm

Ndjej trupin te me ftohet ne kte nate
ku jan prekjet e tua te me ngrohin prap
tani nuk jam ne jemi ftohte kte nate ftohte kte nate

Ne c'do hap qe heth, nuk e di a je ti
dua ty te t'harroj, por prap je ti
s'dua ta pranoj vehten, vehten time nuk e di dhe ku c'do gje e vogel ndodh ne c'do veprim je ti ndodhem nje moment midis teje dhe meje nuk e di a me doje, a me urreje se je ti ne k'to vargje ne k'to nota se je ti pa ty s'ka kuptim s'te harroj cdo moment kur marr ti cdo moment qe vetem ti je gjithcka qfare kam, plotsim i shpirtit tim ja cfare dua s'dua te humbas je vetem ti cdo moment kur marr ti cdo moment qe vetem ti je gjithecka cfare kam, plotsim i shpirtit tim ja cfare dua s'dua te humbas je vetem ti

Dua te shoh dy syte e trembur
dua te puth buzen e cmendur
dua te shoh dua te t'puth ty si atehere
dr1ta Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 21-04-05, 07:35   #160
Avatari i Gjumashja
Anėtarėsuar: 15-10-04
Vendndodhja: n'krevet
Postime: 24,044
Gjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėm

By: Backstreet Boys

Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess
I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It's written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete
the rest is silence
Gjumashja Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 24-04-05, 14:26   #161
Anėtarėsuar: 09-01-05
Postime: 73
NobodysFool e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Gabim yeah i know he's a fag but his songs are good

CARELESS WHISPER by George Micheal

I feel so unsure,
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
As the music dies...
Something in your eyes,
Calls to mind a silver screen,
And all those sad goodbyes.

I’m never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it’s easy to pretend,
I know you’re not a fool.

I should have no better than to cheat a friend,
And waste the chance that I’d been given.
So I’m never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you.

Time can never mend,
The careless whispers of a good friend.
To the heart and mind,
If your answer’s kind...
There’s no comfort in the truth,
Pain is all you’ll find.

Repeat chorus

What am I without your love?

Tonite the music seems so loud,
I wish that we could lose the crowd.
Maybe it’s better this way,
We’d hurt each other with the things we want to say.

We could have been so good together,
We could have made this last forever...
And now it’s never gonna be
That way...

Repeat chorus

Now that you’re gone...
Now that you’re gone...
Now that you’re gone...
Was what I did so wrong?
So wrong that you had to leave me alone?
NobodysFool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 26-04-05, 10:39   #162
Avatari i Gjumashja
Anėtarėsuar: 15-10-04
Vendndodhja: n'krevet
Postime: 24,044
Gjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėmGjumashja i pazėvėndėsueshėm

All I have to give
(Backstreet Boys)

I don't know what he does to make you cry
But I'll be there to make you smile
I don't have a fancy car ,
To get to you I'd walk a thousand miles
I don't care if he buys you nice things
Does his gifts come from the heart
I don't know ,
But if you were my girl.....
I'd make it so that we'd never be apart
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you >>>
but love is all I have to give >>>>>>>
When you talk, does it seem like he's not
Even listening to a word you say?
That's okay, babe, just tell me your problems
I'll try my best to kiss them all away >>>
Does he leave when you need him the most?
Does his friends get all your time? >>>>>
Baby please I'm on my knees
Praying for the day that you'll be mine
But my love is all I have to give >>
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you >>>
but love is all I have to give >>>>>>
>>>>>>> To you hey girl ,
I don't want you to cry no more inside
All the money >>> in the world could never add up to all the love
I have inside , I love you ,
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you >>>
but love is all I have to give >>>>>>>
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you >>>
but love is all I have to give >>>>>>>
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you >>>
but love is all I have to give >>>>>>
the rest is silence
Gjumashja Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 27-04-05, 19:13   #163
Anėtarėsuar: 09-01-05
Postime: 73
NobodysFool e ka pezulluar reputacionin
Gabim i used to like this song

Smooth Operator by Sade

He’s laughing with another girl
And playing with another heart.
Placing high stakes, making hearts ache.
He’s loved in seven languages.
Diamond nights and ruby lights, high in the sky.
Heaven help him, when he falls.

Diamond life, lover boy.
We move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.
City lights and business nights.
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights.

No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
When sentiment is left to chance.
No place to be ending but somewhere to start.

No need to ask.
He’s a smooth operator,
Smooth operator,
Smooth operator,
Smooth operator.

Coast to coast, la to chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to key largo, love for sale.

Face to face, each classic case.
We shadow box and double cross,
Yet need the chase.

A license to love, insurance to hold.
Melts all your memories and change into gold.
His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold.

No need to ask.
He’s a smooth operator,
Smooth operator,
Smooth operator,
Smooth operator.

Coast to coast, L.A. to chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to key largo, love for sale.

Smooth operator, ...
NobodysFool Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 30-04-05, 00:44   #164
Avatari i Gentiana
Anėtarėsuar: 09-10-03
Postime: 11,949
Gentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėmGentiana i pazėvėndėsueshėm

Sef Duraj. Martohu Martohu

Deshta me ti prekur ato floket e tua
Por duart mdigjen flak
Deshta me te pa moj t'veshur sikur nuse
Por syt me pikojn lot

Martohu martohu
e mos shiko pas shpinde
Edhe pse me le te shkret
Martohu martohu
e mos shiko pas shpinde
at njeriun qe po vdes.

Deshta ta kendoj at kengen e fundit
por zeri nuk me shkon
deshta qe te vij e ta uroj martesen
por forca me mungon

Martohu martohu
e mos shiko pas shpinde
Edhe pse me le te shkret
Martohu martohu
e mos shiko pas shpinde
at njeriun qe po vdes.

Deshta ta kendoj at kengen e fundit
por zeri nuk me shkon
deshta qe te vij e ta uroj martesen
por forca me mungon

Dashuria ben ēudira ēdo dite: ajo dobeson te fuqishmin, forcon te dobetin, nga i menēuri ben budallain, i nga budallai te menēurin, favorizon pasionet dhe zhduk arsyen. Me nje fjale, i permbys gjerat.
Gentiana Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 30-04-05, 02:29   #165
Anėtarėsuar: 24-04-05
Postime: 531
Kupid i vlerėsuar jo keq

Tempted (Squeeze)

I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste
A flannel for my face
Pyjamas, a hairbrush
New shoes and a case
I said to my reflection
Let's get out of this place

Past the church and the steeple
The laundry on the hill
Billboards and the buildings
Memories of it still
Keep calling and calling
But forget it all
I know I will

Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
What's been going on
Now that you have gone
There's no other
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered

I'm at the car park, the airport
The baggage carousel
The people keep on crowding
I'm wishing I was well
I said it's no occasion
It's no story I could tell

At my bedside empty pocket
A foot without a sock
Your body gets much closer
I fumble for the clock
Alarmed by the seduction
I wish that it would stop

Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
What's been going on
Now that you have gone
There's no other
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered

I bought a novel, some perfume
A fortune all for you
But it's not my conscience
That hates to be untrue
I asked of my reflection
Tell me what is there to do

Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
What's been going on
Now that you have gone
There's no other
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered

Kupid Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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