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Kethu Mbrapa > Shqipetaret > PAVARESIA KOSOVĖS

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Vjetėr 31-08-10, 22:29   #1
Avatari i murrizi
Anėtarėsuar: 18-04-05
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Gabim BeH

B & H will recognize the independent state of Kosovo : Serbia's voice against the resolution in the UN ?!

Font size: Bosnia and Herzegovina /

24SI - Bosnia and Herzegovina will not directly , but indirectly will recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

As things stand , but at the next session of the UN General Assembly in New York , scheduled for 9 September , our country , and Head of Mission of BiH to the UN , voters against the Serbian resolution on Kosovo, says San. As is known , the resolution of Serbia does not recognize the state of Kosovo.
Nebojsa Radmanovic, BiH Presidency member , late last week, after the session of BiH Presidency , said that is not agreed upon a joint performance of our delegation at the UN General Assembly session and emphasized that "any participation will be informal and will not produce legal consequences . "
"I do not know whether anyone on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations to speak privately on a resolution on Kosovo to Serbia , but I know that we have a unique attitude about it. We at the UN General Assembly on 9 September, we have no official delegation or a platform or an official the possibility of withdrawal of the United Nations " , he pointed Radmanovic .
It is known that the Republic of Serbian authorities , namely SNSD opposed to Bosnia to recognize Kosovo state , and the president of the party Milorad Dodik last week warned that there could be a serious problem in Bosnia if the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina are rezulucije voted against Serbia. Bosnia , with Serbia, the only state in the region that has not recognized the independence of Kosovo.
( )

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Vjetėr 31-08-10, 23:43   #2
Shote Galica
Avatari i roadrunner
Anėtarėsuar: 07-09-09
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Gabim Titulli: BeH

Me sa mujta me e kuptu sipas perkthimit qe koka bo (mos vet shume dobet apo bukfalisht te themi), nuk paskan plan, po kurr si dihet e presim qe gjithqka e mire te bie ne pjaten tone
Nuk kam firme, jam fukara

Kosova, vendi me romantik ne bote. Te gjithe ta mbajn qirin :D.
roadrunner Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 01-09-10, 10:33   #3
Avatari i murrizi
Anėtarėsuar: 18-04-05
Postime: 3,490
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Gabim Titulli: BeH

Postimi origjinal ėshtė bėrė nga roadrunner
Me sa mujta me e kuptu sipas perkthimit qe koka bo (mos vet shume dobet apo bukfalisht te themi), nuk paskan plan, po kurr si dihet e presim qe gjithqka e mire te bie ne pjaten tone
Rrotullake, edhe une sa muj mora vesh po bohet fjalė pėr mos miratimin e rezolutes serbe nė kėshillin e sigurimit, nga dhe po mundohet kryesia e BeH (ndoshta) pėr herė tė parė nė historin e pasluftės tė injoroj njėfar republikėn serpska, dhe serbin nė pėrgjithėsi.
Nuk e kan leht a !

Mund tė ndodhė poashtu qė me kėtė datė, pra i 9-ti, BeH tė shkojė edhe njė hap mė largė dhe ta njohė kosovėn.
duhet theksuar se Bosna & Hercegovina ėshtė i vetmi vendė i rajonit (nga ish republikat e jugosllavis) qė nuk e ka bėrė kėtė.

Shqiptarėt do ti fitojn tė gjitha luftėrat, posa ta kenė pėrfunduar betejen e fundit mes vete.
Duhet shkrirė tė gjitha besimet e huaja, e bėrė detyrė kombėtare pėr mileniumin e ardhshėm qė (DEFINITIVISHT) tė bėhet Shqipėria.
murrizi Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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