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Kultura kombėtare Materiale tė reja, zbulime dhe ide personale per gjuhėsinė, artin, historinė ...

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Vjetėr 23-10-04, 19:16   #1
Miss Dardania 2004
Avatari i Barbaroza
Anėtarėsuar: 09-01-04
Vendndodhja: Nė zemėr tė Kosovės!
Postime: 12,508
Barbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėmBarbaroza i pazėvėndėsueshėm
Gabim Zbulim senzacional!!!

Zbulim sensacional

Rastesisht ne nje nga rajonet e thella te Pakistanit eshte bere nje zbulim qe mund te ndryshoje rrenjesisht historine tone kombetare. Behet fjale per nje popullsi iliro-shqiptare e mbetur qe nga koha e fushatave te Lekes se Madh.

Iliro-Shqiptaret e Pakistanit.


Burushet, gjithashtu te njohur si Burushas, jetojne ne tre zona malore ne Pakistanin verior qe njihet me emrin Hunza. Asnjeri nuk di origjinen e sakte te Burusheve, por sipas legjendes, 3 ushtar nga ushtria e Aleksandrit te Madh, erdhen dhe u vendosen ne Hunza rreth 300 BC. Nje tjeter histori thote se Burushet, u spostuan poshte nga veriperendimi i Indise nga pushtuesit Indo-Arjan. Per qindra vjet territori i krahines se Hunza udhehiqeshe nga nje princ. Me vone nga 1892 deri ne 1949, Anglezet ishin ata qe benin ligjin ne keto territore. Ne 1949, Pakistani morri perseri kontrollin e Hunza. Kjo u arrit nepermjet traktatit qe u krye me Kombet e Bashkuara dhe qe solli fundin e luftes Pakistan-Indi per kete krahine. Burushet jane njerez shume krenar dhe mjaft mikprites. Shume prej tyre kryesisht punojne token, por disa merren dhe me tregeti dhe turizem

Disa nga Burushat punojne per shtetin. Lidhjet familjare te Burusheve jane shume te rendesishme. Burri eshte gjithmone ne krye te familjes. Ato zakonisht nuk martohen me asnje grup tjeter etnik, as Hunza ose Nagar Burusho. Shtepite e tyre jane ndertuar me beton ose gur dhe nuk jane shume te ngrohta nga dimri. Zakonisht perdoret Kerosene per tu ngrohur. Burushet hajne shume fruta, perime dhe prodime gruri. Disa nga ushqimet e tyre te preferuara jane pjeshka, kajsia dhe arrat. Ata rrisin dhente per lesh dhe qumesht. Industria e tyre primare eshte prodhimi i rrobave prej leshi dhe kajsia te thara.

Gjuha qe flitet nga Burushet quhet Burushaski. Eshte gjuha e tyre kryesore por nuk eshte akoma nje gjuhe qe shkruhet. Njerez te kualifikuar nevojiten per te formuluar alfabetin e ketyre njerezve, ne nje menyre qe Bibla te perkthehet ne gjuhen e tyre. Hunza, Nagar dhe Lugina Yasin kane dialekte te vecanta. Shume ngjashmeri ka ndermjet Hunza dhe dialektit Nagar. Urdu eshte gjuha kombetare e Pakistanit dhe eshte dhe gjuha dytesore e Burusheve.

Tradicionalisht, Burushet ishin animist, besonin ne objekte qe nuk kane shpirt, por Islami tani eshte feja e tyre. Burushet kane nje diference nga lugina ne lugine te klasifikuar se nga kush fraksion i Islamit ato ndjekin. Shume prej tyre jane Ismails, te tjeret Shia ose Sunni. Aga Khan qe eshte dhe udheheqesi shpirteror i Ismailive dhe thuhet se eshte i vetmi qe ka Shpirtin e Shenjte. Ata besojne se ai eshte rapresentuesi i Zotit ne toke. Ismaili nuk besojne se Jezusi ishte femija i zotit, por ama ato besojne se ai qe nje profet i madh. Burushet nuk kane asnje fare urrejtje ndaj Krishtereve sepse ato pranohen si udheheqesat shpirteror ne kuptimin vellazeror. Ata madje jane dhe te hapur sa here ka diskutime per Zotin dhe nuk e dekurajojne kurre ate qe do te lexoj Biblen. Shiitet nuk jane dhe aq te hapur.

Ne ditet e sotme populli Burush vuan shume nga shendeti. Mungesa e ujit, dhe izolimi nga bota kane ndikuar shume ne varferine e keti rrajoni.

S. Anderson


Artikulli nga revista "The Bridge"

Personi qe ka kryer kete artikull ka siguruar ne dore artikuj eksluziv nga bibloteka e Columbia University.

Rexh Xhakli

I became a friend of the Church's Council and after some days one of the church advisors called ēiko phones me to let me know about their difficult position. During the conversation he told me that he found that I was interested about the history of Albanians and he wanted to show me what his father or his grandfather had told him. He told to me that his father had graduated at the Cairo University and as a student he went for a walk together with an Albanian student. A student of another nationaliy joined them too, their friend. While, they were walking they spoke in Arabic language. When they had to talk about something that was secret they spoke in Albanian in order not to be understood by their friend. Their friend kept quiet and when they finished the conversation he told them that he understood everything, and that he speaks that language too. Two Albanian students remained amazed and asked him why he didn't tell what he had studied Albanian language. He swore that he had never studied Albanian, but that language was spoken in his birthplace. They told him how could be spoken the Albanian language there; that he came from the cursed devil in Pakistan near India. He esplained them that his country was called Burria(men)(Burushu) and surely all of them were burria (men-soldiers) of Alexander the Great. The two Albanian stubborn students didn't believe to him. The boy became nervous becouse they called him a liar. He wrote to hsi father that when he will buy him the ticket for sumemr holidays he wanted to take two of his friends from the university who were speaking Albanian language. So, two Albanians went on summer holydays together with their friend in the place called Burria and when they arrived there they remaned senseles when they realized that they were speaking Albanian Langauge(surely in dialect). The boy's father since he was the Governor of Burria accepted them with a lot of pleasure and explained to them many interesting things and told to them that beyong the monuntains on the Indian part live our people in a place calles Kaushet(Qaushet).
I think that they didn't settle there after the murder of Achilles(Cleats), but they remained there when Alexander the Great decided to come back from India to Babylon and older soldiers who were Phillip's soldiers, bedore leaving he asked them to go through Hindu Kush, an easier way for older people. Whereas he left himself, Petale, India, through the desert of Makran, a very difficult and dangerous road. Whereas half of the army leaded by Narkos was aksed by him to go through the Indian Ocean, thinking that he will be connected with Nile and will come out in the Mediterranean Sea. I think that those who were sent through Hindi Kush about six thousand soldiers stopped in actual Burria. But, it is not sure yet becouse Alexander in order to protect the rear of the supplies he left many of his soldiers as in Baktria and in any other fortress. Burushu could be any of those soldiers.

Common mistake

Whereas in 1990, in a cocktail in Washington t was my honor to have a long conversation with the Pakistani's abassador in Washington and I asked him: "Tell me does it look like that the family Buta seems to be with European face that it is whiter from other Pakistanis". He told me that they are Greeks and remained there after Alexander, they even have the monument of Alexander the Great in their town and that they are called Pashtun-Pashto-Invader(Pushtues-Albanian).

Marre nga "The Bridge" fq 25.


Eshte bere nje studim nga nje Egjiptjan mbas kesaj ndodhie. Teza eshte mbrojtur ne Oxford dhe vendos perfundimisht lidhjen Ilire te asaj gjuhes. Vereni pra se si ka ngelur qe ata jane Grek, pro nga ana tjeter keta akoma nuk dine te shkruajne gjuhen e tyre, pasi sahati i ka mbetur 2400 vjet prapa, ne kohe kur Shqipja akoma nuk shkruheshe, ose edhe nese shkrueshe ishin shume shume te pakten qe dinin keto gjera. Shqipja duke ju referuar si Fallmerayerit, Faverial dhe Angely qe gjuhe e popullit dhe gjuha qe flitesh me shume ne gjithe rajonin.

"Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as ever you can".
Barbaroza Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Nyje Interesante
Vjetėr 24-10-04, 16:10   #2
Anėtarėsuar: 22-06-04
Postime: 11,663
Tomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėmTomori i pazėvėndėsueshėm

-Barbaroza, ju pershendes per ket kontributin tuaj, ne kulturen kombetare shum esht e vertet, kjo paraqitja juaj ne keta te dhena qe na mundesoni qe edhe ne ti kemi ne dispozicion....
Pse e them kte ,,,,???!!!!
-Pikerisht per ket popull Akademija e shkencave serbe, po perpiqen me tezat e tyre anti-shqiptarte, qe gjoja me hulumtimet e tyre te komkludojn qe ne Shqiptaret e kemi prejardhjen nga Pakistani dhe pjeserisht nga Avganistani, po plasojn falsifikime se ne nuk jemi Autokton prejardhja jon nuk na qenka prej Pellazgeve e ma von prej Ilirve,,,,hahahaha te vjen me qesh me kta akademik -sllav ja ku arin kulminacioni i qmenduris te tyre,,,,,,
-Barbaroz, kjo shkrimi yt ka vler shum te madhe qe me beso edhe me keta dy reshta qe i ke publiku bijen te gjitha tezat ne uj te Akademis serbe, e leja ma per shkenctaret e vertet qe miren ne ket fushe
BARBAROZ, te pershendet TOMORI
Tomori Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė
Vjetėr 25-10-04, 08:52   #3
Anėtarėsuar: 17-10-03
Postime: 471
Auberoni i dashurAuberoni i dashurAuberoni i dashur

Barbaroza,ne rrugetimet e mija kam pasur rast te kaloj ca kohe me nje pjestar te Pashtunve. Ishte intelektual dhe tregimi i yt (qe perputhet me postimin tend) ishte ky:

Origjinen e Pashtunve ai nuk mund ta shpiente me larg se ardhja e tyre ne Afganistan. Pohonte se ishte nga Afganistani por, nuk ishte Afgan pasi terrritori i Afganistanit me pare quhej Khorasan. dhe kjo ishte e tera. Nuk dinte me teper, te pakten ai thoshte se kjo ishte krejt cka dihet per ta. Nganjehere qeshte e thoshte se ata ishin fisi i 13 i humbur i Hebrejve. Interesante ishte se shume here here me pate thene se ne mesin e tyre kishte njerez me kompleks fetyre te bardhe. Ai nuk i linte vend dyshimit se disa nga ata ishin te prekur nga raca e bardhe.

Pashtu de mu zhaba du (pashtu eshte gjuha ime).

Auberoni Nuk ėshtė nė linjė   Pėrgjigju Me Kuotė

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